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2011-11-29 Reboot
Azimuth Posted 29 Nov 2011

This reboot:

  • Bug fixes in progs and age calculation

  • Azi :

Shaba Posted 11 Dec 2011

I liked the idea of being able to improve our attributes past 25 with some other way than life points, but since you basically told me that you don't have time to do that, the attribute system left all gen 10s like half as strong as they were, with no way to improve their stats short of changing all their eq around or remorting. I guess it feels like you did step B before step A, same with the flight eq thing. If the new system of trainers and removal of life points is not going to be put in, can we have our old attributes back? or something? it just feels like you are a crazy drunk driver and your car is the mud and all the players are locked in your trunk and we have no idea where you are taking us. I just felt the need to tell you how I feel, and Id imagine I'm not the only one.

Scorch Posted 11 Dec 2011

Shaba makes a good point. While we appreciate the effort to continue to improve the game, it seems like only the inconvenient half of the ideas are implemented recently.

I don't think any of us would mind a short period of inconvenience as we wait for an interesting change in the game. We wouldn't mind being too weak to open a heavy door with 27 strength for a bit if we knew that the interesting fix for that is right around the corner. We wouldn't mind flight equipment being taken out if some other way of getting around is in the process of being put in.

Instead, we just get not being able to open doors or fly.

If it was some game-breaking problem that was taken out then fine, but these things just seem completely unnecessary and are quite annoying.

Azimuth Posted 14 Dec 2011

Okay, you make a good point. I'll see what I can do.

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