Tempus Realms

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World : Cool places and questions about the world
Quest - Happy Valentine's Day My Friend!
3 posts - Last updated: 10 Feb 2015 by Drystan
Question about an old account
10 posts - Last updated: 7 Mar 2015 by Wish
Quest: The Coliseum
8 posts - Last updated: 26 Jan 2015 by Omnipotent
Death vs Damage Traps
15 posts - Last updated: 8 Jan 2015 by Wile
Why do some zones have an insane reload time.
13 posts - Last updated: 12 May 2015 by Enlightenment
Screen reader and improvements for visually impaired
7 posts - Last updated: 19 Jun 2014 by Diamond
Recent Changes and Direction of Tempus
4 posts - Last updated: 2 Jun 2014 by Diamond
Electro Centralis Taxi
3 posts - Last updated: 25 May 2014 by Diamond
Remort Test Quest
2 posts - Last updated: 4 May 2014 by Rauss
2 posts - Last updated: 20 Apr 2014 by Wrath
6 posts - Last updated: 28 Mar 2014 by Tower
Raid Bosses
16 posts - Last updated: 15 Mar 2014 by Diamond
Remorter hanging out in Closed zones
2 posts - Last updated: 7 Mar 2014 by Tower
Realms Rewards
5 posts - Last updated: 7 Mar 2014 by Nemesis
Once Per Day EXP Bonus
1 post - Last updated: 4 Mar 2014 by Brywing
Bonus EXP Days and/or Happy Hour!
4 posts - Last updated: 23 Feb 2014 by Bushido
!Sell Eq
2 posts - Last updated: 20 Feb 2014 by Tower
Connecting to the mud seems to be stuck, is the mud down?
22 posts - Last updated: 15 Feb 2014 by Nemesis
Displaying different info
2 posts - Last updated: 14 Feb 2014 by Diamond
A vegetarian cleric exclaims, 'Don't even think about it!'
8 posts - Last updated: 14 Feb 2014 by Diamond
Oedit Nerfs
15 posts - Last updated: 2 Feb 2014 by Wrath
In Game Rent or Out of Game Donation.
10 posts - Last updated: 29 Jan 2014 by Brywing
Quest info 5! A Story For All Time - Part 1
Strangly has no messages attached.
Quest info 5! A Story For All Time - Part 1
Strangly has no messages attached.
Idea for pop-up page
7 posts - Last updated: 4 Mar 2014 by Brywing
EC Revealer Breaking News: NEO Hydroelectric Facility Re-opens
4 posts - Last updated: 25 Feb 2014 by Brywing
Past Generation 10
19 posts - Last updated: 21 Sep 2013 by Diamond
Loading equip
5 posts - Last updated: 15 Jan 2013 by Slip
!RENT will be enforced at the postmaster
2 posts - Last updated: 19 Nov 2012 by Merriam
PK at the dexterity trainer?
1 post - Last updated: 12 Oct 2012 by Merriam
Cybertech Prep
1 post - Last updated: 15 Sep 2012 by Merriam
Item durability
7 posts - Last updated: 8 Sep 2012 by Merriam
Maxing Attributes
10 posts - Last updated: 15 Feb 2012 by Red
6 posts - Last updated: 31 Jan 2012 by Azimuth
Tempus News RSS
4 posts - Last updated: 17 Mar 2011 by Azimuth
MUD Client and Mapper Searching
3 posts - Last updated: 9 Feb 2011 by Exar
Bounty Hunters
3 posts - Last updated: 28 Jan 2011 by Brywing
Honor the Hardcore
2 posts - Last updated: 14 Sep 2010 by Frychu
Shroud of Obscurement
2 posts - Last updated: 5 Aug 2010 by Gneissic
What's the Draw?
3 posts - Last updated: 1 Mar 2010 by Caden
what's going on?
1 post - Last updated: 26 Feb 2010 by Azkajamalad
What is your favorite zone?
6 posts - Last updated: 4 Jul 2010 by Cast
Hitroll and regular attack accuracy
4 posts - Last updated: 24 Feb 2010 by Red
PK stimulus
3 posts - Last updated: 9 Dec 2009 by Deneb
12 posts - Last updated: 17 Jun 2010 by Imperfect
Quests & Skills/Spells
3 posts - Last updated: 20 Dec 2008 by Brywing
Questing In Tempus.
26 posts - Last updated: 26 Aug 2009 by Demandred
Increasing TempusMUD Awareness
3 posts - Last updated: 30 Jul 2008 by Epoch
What Does Tempus Need Most? (Open Question)
18 posts - Last updated: 18 Dec 2011 by Deneb
Quest Ideas
1 post - Last updated: 5 Jul 2008 by Deneb
Fantasy Football 2008
8 posts - Last updated: 15 Jul 2008 by Teratoma
Damage messages
1 post - Last updated: 12 Jun 2008 by Deneb
2 posts - Last updated: 12 Jun 2008 by Deneb
Dual Wielding, what's so great about it?
8 posts - Last updated: 12 Jun 2008 by Deneb
character rent tieing in with house
3 posts - Last updated: 11 Jun 2008 by Rahvin
Panda Cup
22 posts - Last updated: 4 Dec 2008 by Teratoma
6 posts - Last updated: 6 Dec 2008 by Brywing
5 posts - Last updated: 16 Jan 2008 by Ecstacy
Temporary EQ
4 posts - Last updated: 28 Nov 2007 by Deneb
6 posts - Last updated: 25 Feb 2014 by Brywing
What EQ do you miss?
12 posts - Last updated: 21 Jan 2008 by Ecstacy
What's Up With the Future?
5 posts - Last updated: 21 Nov 2007 by Brywing
New Year's Resolution
16 posts - Last updated: 1 Feb 2007 by Storm
Player wipe
10 posts - Last updated: 21 Jan 2007 by Brywing
Tell me about your past....
13 posts - Last updated: 6 Oct 2006 by Nevermore
EQ Sets
3 posts - Last updated: 2 Aug 2006 by Tower
About Eqs
7 posts - Last updated: 2 Aug 2006 by Tower
Zone of the Week?
10 posts - Last updated: 17 Jul 2006 by Kitano
Armor Class
6 posts - Last updated: 21 May 2006 by Tereus
Criticals and Casting Weapons
5 posts - Last updated: 16 May 2006 by Elric
2 posts - Last updated: 26 Apr 2006 by Narcissus
Telepathy Helmet
6 posts - Last updated: 6 Mar 2014 by Wrath
Quest shortage?
21 posts - Last updated: 10 Mar 2006 by Tereus
Exchanging gold for cash - where can I do it?
2 posts - Last updated: 7 Jan 2006 by Narcissus
Best Weapons
7 posts - Last updated: 21 Jan 2007 by Kyosuke
17 posts - Last updated: 21 Feb 2006 by Carne
Does this break any records?
2 posts - Last updated: 26 Sep 2005 by Kitano
affected by age this might help
11 posts - Last updated: 24 Mar 2006 by Cast
Past and Future mixing
5 posts - Last updated: 21 Aug 2005 by Wish
10 character limit
25 posts - Last updated: 29 Aug 2005 by Wrath
Constructive Criticism
10 posts - Last updated: 25 Jul 2005 by Infinity
The Future And The Newb
5 posts - Last updated: 5 Jun 2005 by Lysolchip
Adding value to rename tickets
2 posts - Last updated: 11 May 2005 by Kitano
17 posts - Last updated: 1 Aug 2005 by Infinity
oedits n stuff
2 posts - Last updated: 21 Mar 2005 by Timeless
Player Stores?
4 posts - Last updated: 15 May 2005 by Timeless
Area Spells with Group Members
1 post - Last updated: 12 Jan 2005 by Aconite
3 posts - Last updated: 12 Jan 2005 by Aconite
15 posts - Last updated: 25 Jul 2005 by Nevermore
About newbies
4 posts - Last updated: 12 Dec 2004 by Rnorc
1 post - Last updated: 9 Aug 2004 by Craedric
4 posts - Last updated: 11 Aug 2004 by Craedric
remort invis
7 posts - Last updated: 30 Jul 2004 by Heartsbane
anyone on right now?
2 posts - Last updated: 23 Jul 2004 by Azimuth
Newbie EQ
1 post - Last updated: 13 Jul 2004 by Riverwind
Bounty Listings
1 post - Last updated: 4 Jul 2004 by Gasraidh
Quest Points
1 post - Last updated: 29 Jun 2004 by Riverwind
Wielding that Weapon
11 posts - Last updated: 9 Nov 2005 by Acid
Thoughts from a newbie
3 posts - Last updated: 8 Jun 2004 by Butthead
The who list
2 posts - Last updated: 2 Jun 2004 by Butthead
New combat system bugs
3 posts - Last updated: 27 Jul 2004 by Lysolchip
Builder Proposals
1 post - Last updated: 4 May 2004 by Drom
Directions to suitable 25-30th level mort zones
3 posts - Last updated: 27 May 2004 by Craedric
Comments for PK concept in the Voting Booth
15 posts - Last updated: 21 Apr 2004 by Azus
What Class Do You Play??? And Why???
14 posts - Last updated: 27 Aug 2004 by Ezekal
7 posts - Last updated: 11 Mar 2004 by Cest
places after 40
2 posts - Last updated: 5 Mar 2004 by Panzer
A Poll! What Race Do You Play (and why) ?
20 posts - Last updated: 18 Mar 2004 by Storm
Looting triggers...?
5 posts - Last updated: 25 Feb 2004 by Squirrel
New races...this would be awesome!
9 posts - Last updated: 25 Feb 2004 by Panzer
Has this been done before-- remorting into new race?
22 posts - Last updated: 23 Mar 2006 by Tereus
an idea for PKing
7 posts - Last updated: 9 Feb 2004 by Hans
1 post - Last updated: 25 Jan 2004 by Istari
The New Holy Square
19 posts - Last updated: 24 Jan 2004 by Drom
Equipment Requests
10 posts - Last updated: 9 Feb 2004 by Hans
Totally newbie question...re: this "gen" you speak of
9 posts - Last updated: 11 Jan 2004 by Revelation
33 posts - Last updated: 10 Aug 2004 by Craedric
2 posts - Last updated: 4 Nov 2003 by Arianna
56 posts - Last updated: 15 Sep 2004 by Faithless
How to Apply to be a Builder
2 posts - Last updated: 22 Feb 2005 by Wish
Wanted: Newbie Zone Ideas
15 posts - Last updated: 18 Jul 2005 by Wish
Corpses wearing equipment
39 posts - Last updated: 16 Feb 2004 by Heartsbane
A Thought About Reputation
10 posts - Last updated: 28 Jan 2004 by Storm
Ideas for the Future
8 posts - Last updated: 23 Jul 2004 by Skellington
3 posts - Last updated: 9 Sep 2003 by Doc
Zone Updates
6 posts - Last updated: 5 Nov 2003 by Drom

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