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2014-04-21 Reboot
Azimuth Posted 22 Apr 2014

This reboot:

  • You may now change your email address
  • Fixed wear-off messages for repulse and attrack
  • Dragging is now less abusable
  • Remove poison now also works on objects
  • Vendor thieves should no longer steal
  • Message is now shown when awarding qpoints
  • Socials are all more grammatical
  • Party members are immune to area damage
  • Rescue now rescues all group members at once
  • Rescue can now fail
  • Track victim is now shown in spirit track
  • Message is now shown when gust of wind blows away smoke
  • Failures to cast due to confusion now add waitstate
  • Party members are no longer targeted by berserk
  • Burning rooms no longer empty mana
  • NPC fire breathing now gives them a wait state
  • Berserk now only attacks when successful
  • Invis to undead now shows up in affects
  • Improving scroll and wand skills by practicing is now much faster
  • Many fixes to combs
  • Energy gun special messages improved
  • Implant weaponry should work better now
  • Empty will now drop nodrop items
  • !BEHEAD flag renamed to NECK_PROT
  • Bards now have a working guild donation room
  • CC is now displayed on email
  • Slow now has a message on success
  • Bash and slam no longer use self
  • Steal now triggers a warding sigil
  • lustration melisma now heals radiation sickness

  • Synth & Azi :

Wrath Posted 22 Apr 2014

What are combs?

Synthesis Posted 22 Apr 2014

Bombs of the future. Almost every bomb type had been broken. They work now.

Tower Posted 22 Apr 2014

What is the use of updating email addresses? Are mudmails going to be forwarded to our actual emails? If so I'm going to mudmail me some attachments asap.

Tower Posted 22 Apr 2014

Also, I'm not sure exactly how the rescue roll will work to determine whether it fails or not but can this roll be ignored when trying to rescue a gen 0. Grouping with a newbie and not being able to save him if something goes badly would be counterproductive.

Drystan Posted 22 Apr 2014

With great risk there are great rewards. If the newbie is going to die instantly he probably shouldn't be there. The way rescue works now is pretty fun go mess around with it a little bit before thinking it should be changed yet again.

Brywing Posted 23 Apr 2014

Looks like you guys have been working hard. Thanks to Synthesis and Azi for all the time put into this.

Synthesis Posted 23 Apr 2014

There is a skill check for rescue, which previously could not fail but now might fail rarely if you're rescuing your buddy from many foes.

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