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PK Policies
Strael Posted 14 Aug 2004

Something needs to be done with the PK system.. I do realize it's gone to extremes and whatnot, but honestly, I can safely say I play like a newbie. :p My highest char is a Gen 3 level 40 Thief (which I realize is the hardest class to play I'm told) and thus I made a Merc and leveled them to 34, to get get PKed by ..no clue what level/gen Kraz is. The point is that I get PKed quite often. Am I bitching about it? No, not really. I'm trying to get it changed to be within reason. No newbie is going to play on a MUD where past level 25, and they're dead on sight.

I can safely say that eq is one of the major factors of Tempus, as it governs not only AC/dam/hit, but also abilities like hide/sneak/nopain/adren/haste/ect which are vital for even high-gen players to work effectively. I'm not going to sound like I'm anyone important to Tempus, but I've played on MUDs whom have switched over as Tempus has in the past and they rapidly become ghosts minus one or two really high-end player.

Tempus is an amazing MUD, one which is few and far between. I liked the PK-xp loss theme. I think it should be tweaked to gens 0-2, 3-5, and 6-10…. (Gen 0 being 40+) That way, PK would actually be fair. I mean, a mort vs a Gen 3, the Gen 3 -should- win everytime. Yet a mort vs a Gen 2, the mort might win with good eq. (Or just be a lvl 45+ Thief/Psi, and stun/BS or Psiblast should do it to a mort-gen 2)

My whole rambling-point was that PK is fun if balanced. As of right now, it is not only unbalanced, but not even PK. It is just slaughters. My mort 34 Merc has 530 hps, he died in one hit. My gen 3 Thief had about 520 hps, he also died in one hit. I mean, that's not a fight. That's just instant death. PK should be a fun thing (to all parties.) Most don't care as much about losing eq ect if they have a fighting chance. But instant death + no eq is -really- going to piss off the wrong person sometime.

I know I've joked about going and personally shooting the next person to PK my IRL.. but I've heard it actually happens. And I'd -really- hate to see some random person die because they're an ass on some videogame to the wrong person, ya know? (Seeing as how I've spoken with quite a few of you and you seem intelligent and generally like decent people. sighs Yes Chaos, even you when you're not PKing defenseless children. :p)

I'd like feedback on this post. (Realistic posts. Not "You suck and are dumb.")

Thankye for your time, David (Strael/Velroth)

Gasraidh Posted 15 Aug 2004

You suck and are dumb.

Craedric Posted 15 Aug 2004

Gasraidh, that is the stupidest, most inexecusably pointless i have ever had the misfortune to come upon. I had to read it twice to see if i was missing something, or if you were kidding, but then i realized how mind-numbinly moronic your post was and i slowly felt my IQ drop. But, onwards to the important post here. Strael, i agree that the fact that 1 or 2 decbt hits on a player with crap iq (enter my world….) causing insta death is foolish. My limbs should stay intact for a few hits unless my opponent happens to be a 10th gen barb/knight who is capable of reducing modrian into rubble with the mere whisper of his(her) name.

Gasraidh Posted 15 Aug 2004

Wow craed, considering i WAS just jokin, he knew that.

seems to me like someone needs to simmer down.

Craedric Posted 15 Aug 2004

oh woops. Sorry! missed the last part of straels post. So sry gas, please, will not a thousand appoligies beg your pardon? Truely, i am sry. I hate it when i do stuff like that.

Strael Posted 15 Aug 2004

Additive to my post: Even better would be within 2 gens.. I.e. a mort could pk Morts-2, a gen 2 could PK mort-gen 4, a gen 5 could PK gens 3-7, gen 8 could PK 6-10, ect.

And as for knowing who was what gen, just have it display in wholist. Those whom wanted to display it would leave anon off, those whom didn't would leave anon on. :)

David (Strael)

Gasraidh Posted 16 Aug 2004

um craed, it really is ok. no need to be sorry.

Elric Posted 16 Aug 2004

I don't think Kraz actually bothers reading realm, but anyway; Is there anyone else out there that is making a habit of killing newbies / lowbies? I haven't seen anyone else complaining that so-and-so has killed me.

The problem lies in the fact that according to policy he is actually not doing anything wrong. Morally wrong perhaps, but Kraz knows my views of pkilling anyway :P

I'm not sure if the answer is limiting the pkill within generational differences, but I agree that something needs to be done to prevent newbies / lowbies being driven away from the game. I know that there was talk regarding tweaking the pkill policy further, but haven't seen much movement on that front.

Hrm, as a crazy idea, why not allow people of say gen 3 or lower the option of hiring a mob bounty hunter to go after a player with a scarily high reputation. And I mean a NASTY mob, that spirit tracks and pops in out of nowhere as soon as the player leaves the safety of their clanhouse or house, something like the old Arioch the Avenger but on meth amphetamines. And my suggestion would be that the higher the reputation of the player killer the lower the mob charges to hunt them down. That would then theoretically give the newbies some breathing space to level up to a level where they should hopefully be able to retaliate by themselves.

Drako Posted 16 Aug 2004

ok no matter wat ends up happening with the pk policy there will still be someone out there that will put a post on here to bitch about what is wrong with it (not saying your bitching stael)….but in point with the whole kraz killing low level characters, elric is right hes not really doing anything wrong because hes killing other characters multis who are infact not actual newbies….strael you should be able to kill kraz if you were to land the first spell….just do what everyone else does and make a trigger for him….the fact is no matter what happens to the policy pk is never gonna be fair….even if you put the gen restriction in you still in fact have a problem beens a gen 7 isn't gonna kill a gen 10 unless you get VERY lucky and have a shit load of hp


Strael Posted 16 Aug 2004

And a Gen 7 could kill a Gen 10. It just would take a bit more strategy. Psi is an amazingly scary PK class and works great as a secondary. Just sleep them, drain all their mana (if a mage, to prevent mana shield), and a good blast should wipe the few hps they have.. or a secondary thief to steal their sanc/psi/ect ect and off them..

With the damage that can be done.. Doing 1k to off a player is only somewhat hard with the proper preparing and taking steps. :D Patience is a virtue.

And I'm not saying it'd instantly fix things, just that it'd balance out things much more. :)

David (Strael)

Drako Posted 16 Aug 2004

your making it seem like all of our gen 10s are slouches almost all of them have right at 2k hps or better and in my book its gonna take a long time to kill them with that at gen 7…not only do they have massive hp but also 75% dam redux….now im not saying that every gen 10 is unkillable dont get me wrong….but in order to do so you have to be well adapted to the pk style….i couldnt see myself at gen 7 killing a gen 10 such as dyne, death, or lysolchip….i would get owned….there isnt many gen 10s that kill other gen 10s without a hell of a fight


Strael Posted 17 Aug 2004

You're also inferring that they'd be perfectly eq'ed gen 10s. And my point is not that it would happen, but that it realistically still could, as opposed to a gen 2 vs a gen 7 ect.

It'd allow more of a safety net from random PKers and those whom would be forced to prey on things able to fight back.

David (Strael)

(By the way, so just go secondary Thief and sleep/steal all their eq to remove 75% reduct. :p)

Elric Posted 18 Aug 2004

sigh Strael it's not quite as simplistic as you seem to think it is. I'm a gen 10, and I sure as s#it don't have 75% reduct. Also, there are class combinations that can more easily get 75% reduct than others, Cleric / Psi for example. A gen 10 cleric / psi SHOULD in no way be stupid enough to rely on their equipment to give them their damage reduction, they'd be casting sanctuary and triggering nopain and dermal hardening themselves.

I think this whole discussion is relatively pointless unfortunately. Basically as my previous point stated, killing of newbies / lowbies at this point in time almost seems to be exclusively the purview of one individual player. Therefore what you need / want is for the policy to either be changed to make it illegal / impossible for this player to kill people of certain level / gen ranges, OR you guys need to start hunting him rather than hiding from him. Do it in packs if you feel the need, level together, make it harder for him to get the kill off scott-free. Register to bounty hunt him and then if you get the kill you'll also get some cash.

Stop being victims and start making Kraz become one :p

The only problem with this, is he'd probably enjoy it ;)

Gasraidh Posted 18 Aug 2004

That krazy kraz, you never know what he'll do next.

Drako Posted 18 Aug 2004

the thing with kraz is he just dont care what you do cause he'll find a way to hurt you in the end…if you kill him with your high char he'll pk your lower char….no matter what happens you can't beat him….so you might as well do as i did and just ignore what happens to you because when you get beyond a certain gen he leaves you alone anyway…so just re-eq or buy your eq back and get back to leveling….thats all you can do…the bigger you get the quicker you can start to defend yourself from stuff like this


Jakezor Posted 18 Aug 2004

Kraz is out of control if you ask me. I've talked with new players who were there for about 3 months, barely remorted and they were killed by him. I personally think it's ridiculous.

Drako Posted 18 Aug 2004

Kraz is most certainly out of control and has driven more players out of the game than anyone i know….but nothing will ever be done to him to make him stop….if you ask me he is breaking policy…because i believe his sole purpose is to take the fun out of the game for everyone and that is strictly forbidden according to the policy if im not mistaken….just recently he caused a player to quit the mud…if nubi actually quit for good cause i havent seen him in a few weeks


Heartsbane Posted 19 Aug 2004

Kraz is just a noob killer, he kills peoples low level players cuz he cant kill the big boys, my personal opinion is that he is in denial that he isnt the infamous pre wizlock Miscreation anymore, but im no psych major, but all i can say is, Kraz really isnt that big.

Wisteria Posted 21 Aug 2004

Oh yes, the gen 1 is killing other gen 1s, the horror.

You know, if player has a problem with another player, we have admins who are happy to deal with the problem. That's what the admins do, don'tcha know?

Heartsbane Posted 21 Aug 2004

oh no, the gen 1 is killing noobs, we tend to not like noob killers round here

Jakezor Posted 23 Aug 2004

it's so cute to see Wisteria defending her boyfriend.

Drako Posted 23 Aug 2004

see the ppl who are around him dont realize that hes doin this except for a pick few…and like i said before nothing will be done about this…he has yet to be punished for it and prolly never will be…i personally have never seen him try to kill anyone bigger than him that has the same if not more experience as him on here…everyone he kills is smaller or still getting a handle for the game.


Ezekal Posted 24 Aug 2004

I havent actually met this "Kraz" guy yet. Apparently, Veloth himself has brought me away from him at every chance possible, ensuring me a long, healthy life of destruction and mayham of small halfling towns. And Citizens of normal towns. Not to mention the occasinal cityguard here and there…Taly Ho! Im off to **** and Pillage!

Arna Posted 7 Sep 2004

Kraz is not the invincible god you all assume he is. Yes, he constantly kills low/newbies, but you guys can kill him back! Perhaps not Chaos, but Kraz is very low gen, probably lower than most of you. Just bounty him, killing him is quite rewarding. Whoever said that grouping up and attempting to kill him in a group is absolutely right. "Make it harder for him to get away with it scot-free" In the past 2 days, i've killed him 3 times, making an easy 20m from bounty. Though I couldn't get any other loot, he has this cheasy way of retrieving (reconnecting/retrieve to avoid wait state from death). If i remember correctly, after killing him 3 times, Kraz begged me to stop.

Kraz projects, ‘would you stop?’ Kraz projects, ‘please?’ You project, ‘Put yourself in my shoes’ You project, ‘If I asked you to stop, would you?’ Kraz projects, ‘i would give it a rest’ Kraz projects, ‘in the past 2 days you what killed me 3 times, got 20 mil from bounty’ Kraz projects, ‘i tend to not like to chase my prey off the mud’ You project, ‘I doubt killing you would chase you off the mud’

But yes, killing Mages is very easy, especially those that have not attained 3 gens yet. Without mana shield, mages are sissys. Which is probably why Kraz runs around with barely-sufficient EQ (mana tap, dt invis, sonic imagery) killing low-newbies…just in case one day a low/newbie strikes back.

PK is part of this game, and I think it is fine the way it is. For example, when Gasraidh killed Red when I was gen 1, I made sure that was the last time he ever pked. Kill the pkers! Repeatedly. If you can't do it yourself, hire someone =) I'm always for hire.

Aigne Posted 7 Sep 2004

Kraz projects, ‘i tend to not like to chase my prey off the mud’

lies, all of it.

I was once told that i would be killed until i quit, or until the imms stepped in and put a stop to it.

that's beside the point however.

Arna's quite right, after i killed him (stupidly i might add) i was killed and "put in my place" so to speak. Really the best solution to a pk problem is to retaliate. yea but that's been said over and over, so pay heed to it.

Heartsbane Posted 7 Sep 2004

i to, have told people that Kraz is not as big as he seems, only problem is how do ya find him, without leveling up a char to get good at clair.

Kakorat Posted 7 Sep 2004

i am one person who he has repeatedly killed and i dont even run from him anymore…all you have to do against kraz is get lots of sav_spell….if you have high saves he cant hurt you because he either word stuns or drowsies all of his victims before he attacks…so after he tried to kill me the other night i went out and enchanted up all my eq and now mages are useless agaisnt me.

Craedric Posted 20 Jan 2005

when did Kraz return? I saw him for the first time in a while today. His first action was to kill and subsequentially loot Sunflare…

Inferno Posted 23 Jan 2005

he killed sunflare? i say us lowbies such as me, ezekal, certainly sunflare, and anyone else who has a score to settle with kraz should group if need be, or do it solo, and pkill him till he cries… sunflare is a friend of mine and he just started. i personally love tempus, and dont want someone torturing newbies. even though i am myself fairly new on this char (43 gen 0 currently), i have existed in other forms (anyone remember groveler the evil cleric?) i realize i have absoulutely no authority or say in anything, but someone needs to stop kraz.

-just my ramblings… ill be more than willing to listen if you think they're stupid-

Heartsbane Posted 23 Jan 2005

Why should Sunflare not have been killed, he willingly turned PK on, making himself pkillable, and if i remember right, he has a couple kills already. If he chooses to PK other newbies, then thats his decision and he will have to suffer the consequences.

Craedric Posted 24 Jan 2005

Good post, Heartsbane. I, too, at one point, turned my PK shield off. However, that was when i first started and thought i was "Thug". Nowadays, i keep it on, and i plan to for Quite some time.

Elric Posted 24 Jan 2005

If you're smart, all newbies should keep their !pkill toggle on for as long as possible. Keep it on until gen 5. It's only about then that you really start to come into your own.

I'm a snob, you're all newbies until ya hit gen 5 as far as I'm concerned ;)

Borador Posted 25 Jan 2005

In my opinion Sunflare deserved to be pk beens he summoned a mob into holy square and it killed a newbie thief…he got what he deserved…and its really his own fault for turing pk on which gives anyone the right to pk him

Inferno Posted 25 Jan 2005

thats true… and the kills he did have were in a little fight with ezekal. but as the summonong goes, he shouldnt summon agro mobs into modrian… i believe theres a post about that on the dias board from the admins. well, you guys brought up some good points and proved me wrong. he DID make the choice to be a pkiller.

Wisteria Posted 11 Feb 2005

/topic I keep getting killed, listen to me whine!

Once again, I would like to reitterate: If somone is breaking rules, contact an admin. If they are simply kicking your ass stfu.

Heartsbane Posted 13 Feb 2005


Demandred Posted 9 Mar 2005

Dude Elric, I think you consider everyone a newbie until they've played 20 gens of one class =P

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