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a bunch of new ideas so read this and give input
Craster Posted 4 Nov 2004

i am craster silverbane, here are my ideas


dig- you need a shovel so you can dig items from under the earth.

mine- so you can mine ore-gems for the skill alchemy see below

alchemy- you can add stats, and weapon elemental, as well as immunity to elemental and as well bad things like items going goo and you become weak to elementals…. its not random its formulas alchemy (obj) steel iron topez rub

two races draconian- good gold brass copper- evil red black and blue all of them fly as well as are weak to the oppsite type of scale as well as they can use a skill called dragon breath…. each has a different elemental breath.

pheonix's they fly and are weak to water….. they have a race skill called sacred flames that deal back about 3% or so damage back to attacker.

moves in this mud need uped but they already know that…

change mages to be able to get secret skills by studying rare books.

remortible specific classes and races

a upgrade for monks…. no skills but combonations…….. like useing specific chaka to go into a fighting style so like fight ko lem sec sto may put you into a stance that auto uses throw so monks can use skills from the normal monk-class like palm…. as well i said before no skills but with each level you can add more chaka to gain stronger stances.

Arianna Posted 4 Nov 2004

ok first off, this isnt mystic evollution, ANX, AP, or 'heaven forbid' Evermore

all of these ideas are from muds that had a lifetime of less than 4 months

or are still in development and you shouldnt know about

but, you get an A for effort

Craster Posted 5 Nov 2004

and i got only a few of the ideas from outher muds and thought they whould help out but i came up with outhers

secondly who cares where they came from as long as there cool and will help the mud

Riverwind Posted 5 Nov 2004

It's great that you're bringing ideas that you liked from other muds and suggesting them. I liked the idea of digging and finding gemstones or the like. It's kinda like having a profession, no? However, I'm not sure how useful that would be Tempus mud imho.

Races? We've got some great races already that aren't all that widely used and giving a class flying and a breath weapon will negate two of our mage spells. You're a mage, yeah? Don't worry about it, we get them kewl spells anyway. :)

Extra move points for newbie classes is a point that's been brought heaps. All good, I'm sure someone's lookin' into it.

Why should mages be the only ones that get secret skills? Meh, we've lotsa skills anyway.

Monks do get combo's and plenty o' kewl stuff as is. Try some of the other classes. It's all good. Tempus is really well designed and growing mud.

Just wanted to say that it was kewl that you wanted to add more to Tempus. From me, humble adventurer.

See ye about HS!


Wish Posted 7 Nov 2004

Thanks so much for the ideas. Keep em' comin!

  • wish *
Craster Posted 7 Nov 2004

more ideas from me the one and only craster

barbs….. you got barbarians and rangers…. but what about a joining of barbarians and rangers so you can add also hunters for traps, and skining corpses to make armor and stuff as well as a beastmaster to controll monsters as well as war paint.

race called etherials….. great for advanced players maby can only be a remortible race for another planet…. smart and can pass through doors naturally but very weak strength.

as well as if were doing interplanetary relms maby transportsystems like star ships and what not more on that later if your interested post somethin and ill enlighten you all.

do we have a summoner class? well if not we can create card items which this class can attempt to bring to life to aid them the things they can bring back can range from cats to dragons to even rare rare god cards…. and i mean clones of wish or something but imms descresion to put into production.

Craster Posted 7 Nov 2004

i forgot some…

ok a class called the cursed…. as they level they can transform into stronger beasts like vampire and were-wolfs…. to remort into this class by a master or a person of this class at a specific level with the skill called damn person.

as well as a taxi command so one can go hail hotel and be transported to a rent place but it will cost money to do it…

angels and demons…. maby new races… think on them,

Craster Posted 7 Nov 2004

again i missed one……

artifacts rare items that are one of a kind and teleport after one leaves the relm or dies…. they can add to damage, smarts or outher secret things…..

Dyne Posted 7 Nov 2004

Honestly I dont see the point in digging. I mean you do what? Type dig and hide from stuff? And as for adding elemental affects to weapons and armor and stuff, there is a spell out there called elemental branding that is for rangers. You can put air, water, fire, and earth onto your weapons.

I went exploring one day on other muds and saw that a lot of players can start off as a race Draconians. I mean every single one of em had draconians and one thing I like about tempus is thats original.

The move points are easy as a newbie. When I was a newbie all I did was go to halfling village and get some of thier ring mails and sell it and buy potions that give you your movement back. At lvl six you can auction to get a hook of death kiss which gives move regen and it doesnt cost a lot to get.

Trust me, monks need nothing else to be badass. In the hand of someone that doesnt know what they are doing sure they need help but when you learn how to work and use thier abilities in fighting the completely kick ass. One thing that people mistake and causes em to think monks suck is that they wield. Come on people monks dont wield.

Summoner classes….using cards…..dragons and shit…Come on this isnt yugio or whoever. This is a mud. I can see it now people busting out with cards and stuff to summon em. That idea of it makes me laugh but its how could I put this the nicest way possible. Its stupid. yeah I think thats the nicest I can say to that.

Craster Posted 7 Nov 2004

dynes just a little cranky sence he didn't have his nap today ;p read the ideas and think for your self not his words thank you

the one and only craster

Heartsbane Posted 8 Nov 2004

five dyne

Sanguinius Posted 8 Nov 2004

Ok, there's a lot of stuff here, so I'm dual-windowing it. Hope this works like I want it to…

Dig - Meh. No one uses the craft skills, and everyone uses the mobs that can create something new from stuff. It could be useful, but not likely.

Mine - See dig.

Alchemy - Too similar to elemental branding, like Dyne said. If it were really class-focused (ie - Artificier, etc.) it might work, but not every class should get that benefit.

Races: Draconian - waaaaaay too strong as is. Just copying other MUDs, anyways.

Phoneix - the 'return damage' sounds cool, but could just as easily be a cleric spell. Flying should never be a class skill, unless there's a BIG negative to it.

-Moves in this MUD are surprisingly close to balanced. Maybe a tweak here and there, but things are pretty happy as-is.

-Mages studying books? For free skills? BAH! Why not every class!?

-As Dyne said, Monks need nothing. They're HIGHLY skill based right now, but in the hands of a good player are almost unstoppable. Comboing things isn;t a horrible idea, its just that Monks are definitely not the first class to look at for boosts.

Barb/Ranger merging - No. Rangers are effectivley Beastmaster already, and once again the creation skills on this MUD are really nonexsistant. In fact, Rangers are pretty much everything you described there, just what you stated was more focued.

Etherials - We have etherial things. They are amazingly hard to kill without the right equipment. I think they're not allowed as players for a reason.

Interplanetary stuff - I'm all for expanding the Universe in the future.

Card games to Summon - this comment just lost almost all of my respect. See Dyne's comment - I'd say it worse.

Cursed - Cool, kinda. Lycanthrope skills are always interesting.

Taxi - cool idea for future.

Angels and Demons - two more classes that I'm pretty sure exsist, but arn't allowed for PLayer Characters.

Artifacts - I think I've seen similar things to Artifacts. Try getting a Mighty Hammer Mjolnir, or a Black Rose of Shadow. Those are amazingly hard to get, but are VERY worth the effort.

All and all, I think I agree with Dyne on the subjects he mentions. Since I feel like it, I'll throw some things I saw in another MUD a long time ago:

Class: Artificer - a class that creates things. Golems, wands, other handy inventions.

Anarchist - another creation class, except he makes all kinds of weapons. Grenades, firebombs, traps, and other fun stuff.

Infinity Posted 17 Sep 2005

I will have to be on Dyne's side on this one. Keep tempus as orinigal as it has always been. As for fly for a skill. Monks, Mages, physics get a spell or skill with no negative. Anyway, and they should, it makes sense.

Narcissus Posted 20 Sep 2005

Hell yeah. These ideas are interetsting and different. I wouldn't support any of them to be thrown in as they stand right now. But to all the haters, this board isn't about throwing down a polished, complete, and perfect suggestion for skills, classes, races, or whatever. All packeged in a neat box and ready to be implemented. Some one else might glean some inspiration from these ideas and derive something that we'll all love from it.
So keep your chin up bro and keep the ideas coming.

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