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Oedits, Protected items
Red Posted 18 May 2005

I believe that oedits and protected items should be owned as an account rather than a character. After all, the quest points you used to make oedits were earned by not just one character, but all of your characters, or some. For now, it is an option to get an oedit swap between multis, by going through an immortal who can do just that. I'm scared to ask, cause all the imms hate me. And i've been told that you shouldn't ask for a swap too often. If we are given the option to swap oedits, why not just make the oedit owner based on account rather than on character? Just my thoughts…

Red Posted 18 May 2005

whoops. I mean all the imms love me. especially nevermore

Lysolchip Posted 18 May 2005

I agree. Nothing more to add.

Merriam Posted 21 Jul 2005

I also agree. I hope that's okay. It just sounds like a good idea. Make it account based, and nveer for anyone else.


Rahvin Posted 21 Jul 2005

w00 account based oedits!

Crescendo Posted 21 Jul 2005

I don't really see a reason why not to do this. If we ever want oedits changed between characters we have to go through imms, whereas account based means we can just exchange them without problem, the only time needed to bother an imm who could oedit would then be for adding on to a previous oedit or creating a new one :).

Reptile Posted 21 Jul 2005

From an administrative point of view, it would make sense: Eliminates need for administrative intervention to swap items from one character to another.

From a player perspective: I earned the qpoints, I should be able to enjoy them on any character I play.

Disadvantages (as seen from an administrative viewpoint) I have one single, solitary set of eq that I pass from character to character. None of it can be stolen or looted. I have the freedom to roam and pk whomever I want, steal whatever non-protected items they have, without fear of any repercussions.

Given, this would take an abnoxious amount of time to get the qpoints together for this - but it would be possible, and very unfair if pk ever became popular again.

Given the current trend of !pk, or methods by which to make it harder to pk and/or loot someone - I would say a shift towards making this account based would make sense.

It would be nice if I wanted to group with someone, and only needed to have one set of eq, and switch it to whichever character would be able to best benefit the group going to whatever zone might need a cleric, or ranger, or knight.

So I think this would actually nuture the concept of groups a bit more. I dont play my characters unless I have a full set of eq, and by making a portion of the items I have switchable from character to character within the account.

Also - this would help alter the omnipresent trend of "oedit the weapon" - make it faster, lighter, do more damage, etc… since weapons aren't transferable to every character most times (ie clerics cant slash, or pierce) - so this would lead to a variation, more armors and other worn items would be oedited first - whichever ones were most portable between all classes.

I'm not entirely sure on the direction pk is taking, (I think nothing had some post somewhere that he said he wasn't done tweaking it, and not to critique it until he was), and I've been out of the pk market for almost 5 years now, but it looks like it would make sense to shift towards account based for every single reason, except for pk… but then again, it doesnt take that long to throw together a set of enchanted leather…

Lysolchip Posted 21 Jul 2005

One note about the having a totally protected set of eq. I think there's a limit now to 5 oedits per account (not even per character), so while someone could constantly have 5 pieces of safe eq between characters, the rest of it could still be looted.

Merriam Posted 22 Jul 2005

Regarding non-protected items: When a player has a renamed item, it is always my belief that renames should be returned to the player. This goes for any quest items. Should I some day see any of you on the battlefield, I intend to return renames and other non-protected quest equipment. I would hope you do the same.

Inversely, I would not treat you that way if you just renamed your entire set (as happened a few years back when all renames were protected), so keep that in mind. But if I kill you and you renamed your Axe of Shadow, you better believe I am not taking your Axe of Shadow.

Of course, who heard of Merriam PK'ing?


Infinity Posted 17 Sep 2005

I think all (protected)items should be put on accounts. Could not agree more. You cannot make a char able to not lose anything because like Lysol said only 5 per account. It would also allow more time for immortal duties, would not have to switch eq for people and thats one less thing for them to worry bout…

Kakarot Posted 19 Sep 2005

as for merriam's comments about returning quest eq….if you pk someone and find that they have non protected quest eq…why would you return it…i understand that they earned it but thats the reward of pk…i dont know many ppl that go out and pk just to do it…they are doing it to get rewards suchs as quest eq, and imm enchants…renames ok give those back, no big deal

and even if those non protected items are returned they are comming with a hefty price

Narcissus Posted 20 Sep 2005

There's more to PK than monetary returns. Not everybody is interested in hoarding as much wealth, (money and/or eq) as possible, beyond practical use. Some pk for the rush or the thrill, some pk for the head to head competition with something that can think and react and provide a challenge. Unfortunatly on Tempus both of these more noble reasons to PK are dulled by the plain ease of the kill. So I can fully see your point on why pk if not to loot.
If Tempus, I hope, some day changes it's pk policy to make pk a real fight instead of who can bitchslap who, the intrinsic rewards of victory will be more tangable, and looting won't be such a big deal.

For those who don't care, don't read on :P

And I might as well throw in my shameless plug for my opinion on pk. A large part of reason those that don't like pk are so vehemently against it, is because killing a player is so easy, yet we stand so much to lose. In this, pk is unbalanced. Our character's get their strength more from their equipment than from their abilities. So we all stand alot to lose from being pkilled and looted. Why I believe it is unbalanced; In addition to most of a character's potency only coming from their eq, most of that strength comes from a small percentage of that eq. The effort needed to kill a player, and strip them of these must have items, is nothing compared to the value those items carry in reguards to how benificial they are to posess. There are a few key heavy weight items for every combo that can be concidered "must have". There rest of your equipment options are pretty flexible, icing on the cake at best.

Solutions… Either the effort required to pk must be increased to better match the reward; - Reduce pvp damage, this brings about other things that need to be concidered… such as instant recalling.. etc.

Or, the reward needs to be decreased to better match the effort. - Bring down the strength of the "must have items" - Spread the wealth of strength throughout the equipment spectrum, or a combination of both.

Currently there is a delay to the rate at which you can loot another player. This is a good solid step in the right direction at reducing the reward to something closer matching the effort. However, the effectivness of this policy is hampered by the fact that the power of equipment is unevently distributed. We all have our "Top 10 items to loot" lists. But, ask if you can readily make a top 50, and how much would you really care about the bottom 25 of those 50. Then compare that to how many thousands of unique pieces of equipment exist on Tempus.

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