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Changes needed to Realm Board to make it Viable
Merriam Posted 18 Jul 2005

I read recently that Azimuth created and maintains this realm board. Azimuth, if you're reading, stellar job! I assumed it was something OutOfaCan. But a few things are needed for ease of use.

  1. Search feature

  2. Rules for subject titles, such as listing the class name or the purpose. For example, Subject: [MERC SKILL IDEA], [MAGE SPELL IDEA]: Mana Funnel?, [MUDFEST 2005]: Iowa Carpool anyone?, [SURVEY]: Most useless remort skill!!

  3. Organize most recently updated posts first. Add search feature to search by posts edited within the past x days.

  4. Immortals and wizzes should post when something occurs in relation to a particular thread. This lets not only those who read a particular thread, but everyone know. For example, when mirror image is implemented, a new post could be created on that thread, or a new thread could be created linking to the original thread, pointing out that our idea and the discussion after that idea was implemented.

  5. New Forum: Newbie Forum. We can give advice, write our own guides for newbies, or newbies can come and ask questions and get answers.

  6. New Forum (maybe?): Imm Feedback Forum: When an imm has an idea, and wants to bounce it off the morts, they post it here.

Just my ideas so far. What do you guys think could help the realm become a better place for improving our Tempus?


Azimuth Posted 18 Jul 2005

Thanks. It's nice to hear some appreciation.

I might implement a search feature soon. It'd probably be useful for a lot of things.

A newbie forum is a good idea. I'll add it today.

I won't organize most recently updated posts first. This is a forum, a place for conversation, not a blog. If you want, you can use an RSS reader and read them in any order you like.

Usually when imms want feedback, they'll post it in one of the existing forums. I don't think it really needs to have its own forum.

Lastly, all you have to do to make rules for subject titles is to convince people that they're a good idea. Good luck. :D

Azimuth Posted 18 Jul 2005

I halfway took your suggestion and made the most recently created threads at the top. That should make it easier to keep on top of newly created topics.

Merriam Posted 18 Jul 2005

Thanks Azimuth! That is equally cool. Any way to add a feature to toggle read-by-order? I don't know that fancy RSS stuff.

Cool newbie forum! Now we just gotta put something in there..


Merriam Posted 18 Jul 2005

I'd like to edit my post to add the ability to edit, but obviously enough, it wasn't there. Could we get an edit option?


PS: I meant a toggle feature to sort by most recently updated. I don't know RSS.

Merriam Posted 19 Jul 2005

The realm boards do not recognize lists or single returns.

For example, if I hadn't hit [Enter] twice, this would all still be one line. If I type in a list of stuff I need from Modrian, hitting [Enter] once, the list appears like this:

Modrian To Do: a scroll of identify (24) a fresh meatpie (24) a flashing scroll (5) practice at Ranger guild



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