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is tempus alive
Bogo Posted 30 Aug 2005

Ok I am in a hotel because in case no one saw the news my home and hometown have been destroyed. I have been trying to connect to tempus from here but it wont let me… is tempus just down or is it a problem on my end

Merriam Posted 30 Aug 2005

Tempus is down as far as we can see. I'll be praying for you and your family, Bogo.


Bogo Posted 30 Aug 2005

any clue on how long it'll be down… I am assuming that the tempus server is in one of the effected zones

Merriam Posted 30 Aug 2005

No idea. That's a good question, actually. Where's the Tempus server hosted, these days? It was in Mississippi or Tennesee back in the day.


Bogo Posted 30 Aug 2005

well it must be in mississippi because 3million people in mississippi are out of power so that would explain it… and if it is there they wont be online for months

so anyone know some other muds that are simular to hold us over until our beloved tempus can come back online

Merriam Posted 30 Aug 2005

Hi Bogo,

Tempus is one of a kind, and I doubt we'll be down for months. I say wait out to see what the coders have to say on the issue, though I am curious, as you are, to see what's happened.

I'd also like to say that if you want to find a high-quality MUD like Tempus, you will be hard-pressed. You may find good classes, but stock zones or crappy zones. You might find good zones, but unfriendly players. You could find fun items and interesting transportation, but a lack of quests.

In my devious days, I was purged, frozen, banned, and deleted, so I often sought out other MUDs. I never found one that is the caliber of TempusMUD. I'd say it's up no later than tonight.


Azimuth Posted 30 Aug 2005

Tempus is currently located in Jackson, MS and has a truly excellent ISP which has only gone down once in 10 years that I'm aware of (http://www.netdoor.com/).

Usually when Tempus goes down for an extended period of time, it's because there's a problem with a file loaded on startup. When that happens, someone will eventually notice and fix it. At night, it usually doesn't get noticed until morning.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

Infinity Posted 17 Sep 2005

Merriam is correct when it comes to this mud. There are muds that rank higher then tempus however once your here long enough you can never find the same kind of atmosphere you find here at tempus. People can complain all they want about certain things but Fire is also correct. Admins have the final say and you must just live with it. All of us have to deal with things that we do not like in life, and the same goes for tempus. If everyone works together we can bring more attention to tempus.

I hope everything is works out down there in Mississippi. My wife was born there but all of her family moved to the upper states a few years back. We were lucky enough not to have to deal with alot of the things they are down there. This world can be a cruel place, it is another reminder that we should be more friendly to one another. One day we will not all be around to say were sorry for are sins. I also pray for everyone down there. My cuz in the guard is one of the men working in the south to help clean/rebuild it. Good luck to you all.

Goku Posted 28 Jun 2012

Where do I go to play tempus

Azimuth Posted 29 Jun 2012

Hm? tempusmud.com, port 2020. Same as usual.

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