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Prestiege Classes
Brywing Posted 2 Aug 2006

The concept of Prestige class is that once an adventurer has reached a certain point that adventurer can qualify to be a certain class based on what they are to start with.

The idea I have is a VERY simplified version of this that allows much of this to use existing code and adapted where seen fit.

I'm going to call Prestige class - pclass

I was thinking that there would be a several mobs added for this purpose for the different pclasses.

Now to get these different pclasses would be the most new code. The player would have to qualify for the class, for example:
A player wants to be an Undead Hunter (as in they hunt undead) that player then goes to the Undead Hunter's guild and registers for a fee as a hunter. VARIATION - prerequisites, which for this class (and other classes) might be they have to have a certain alignment or kill count, etc.

This registration will allow 2-3 things. 1) The Undead Hunter can buy items from the guild (probably a protection from undead potion) 2) The Undead Hunter will now have a running counter of how many undead he or she kills. This can be kept track of rather like how kills of different types are kept track of, every time that player kills a mob of the creature type "UNDEAD" then they get another kill under a field in score called Undead Hunter: 3) An interesting idea would be that these pclasses would give certain tags that can be seen on WHO. Also like pkill trackers maybe these tags could change to reflect the number of kills. Giving "prestige ranks", in this case like a rep for killing undead.

A player would only be allowed ONE pclass at a time. VARIATION- a player would be allowed one pclass per generation. Over the years the player has accumulated memberships around many guilds. This would be up to 10; if player wanted a new pclass they could forfeit a previous one to gain a new one.

The different pclasses I can think of would be: Undead Hunter Fiendslayer Demon Hunter Giantslayer Dragonslayer Angel Hunter Robot Disassembler ETC. Once the starting code was in this could be expanded as much as wanted.

What do you think?

Tereus Posted 2 Aug 2006

Brywing, I like you. However I don't like the idea. To me this would fit kind of strange into tempus. You never know though, things change all the time.

Tower Posted 2 Aug 2006

On the contrary, I can't stand Brywing. But I do love seeing extra things on the who list. Basically, how would this change Tempus, though. Like would it add something extra to your title line on WHO or in your SCORE?

Also, this might be cool for those who are gen 10 or those who are waiting at level 49 in negs for whatever reason (cash, lifepoints to run out, etc). It would give those players who have no reason to worry about kills or exp something to look forward to in addition to just cash.

Thank you and goodknight.

Gneissic Posted 2 Aug 2006

I don't think idea sounds like one that should be implemented permanently, but rather during a quest. It seems that this would complicate tempus a little bit by adding something you can do besides getting gold or leveling. Isn't that what a quest is?

I have a question. What would players get by killing more undead (for the undead hunter pclass, for example)? Experience? Gold? Maybe even qp's? In any case, I don't see this as something players would do unless there was a reward. Even if there was a reward, pclasses could lose their roleplaying trait and it wouldn't be as fun. :/

Kitano Posted 2 Aug 2006

I think it sounds fun. I'm not exactly sure how it'd be implemented, but anything to do after gen 10 is a plus for me. Anything that adds variety outside from money run and wait for reboot cycle that comes with not having to level anymore sound good.

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