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Tereus Posted 29 Sep 2006

IMO oedits should be account protected and interchangable with multis. After all, in a given account it can be argued that multiple chars. helped you gain your quest points. Quest points are account based and so should oedits. Anyone else think so?

Nothing Posted 29 Sep 2006

Not gonna happen.

Kyosuke Posted 29 Sep 2006

Are oedits in the new game going to be as expensive as they are now? With equipment downgraded so that we're able to use stuff for cosmetic reasons, could oedits follow this theme as well, and therefore be cheaper?

As an aside, can people request to have things besides features that directly affect the game? Like how scaled bracers have that blurb about rustling when you put them on. Could I get something like pants that have a button pop off when I put them on?

Does any of this make sense? Do I get what an oedit is?

Please. I'm cold, and there are wolves after me.

Narcissus Posted 29 Sep 2006

Just please please please no oedits in the new system that give effects

Nothing Posted 29 Sep 2006

That's a good idea Kyosuke. I don't see any reason you couldn't by an action description for an item. It would have to fit though. Just remember, that kind of thing with be completely at my discretion.

As for the rest of your question, I've answered it somewhere…I don't remember exactly where. Oedits will be hashed out after it's all said and done. It will be quite some time before anyone has enough QP to buy one anyway.


Nevermore Posted 30 Sep 2006

I'll answer this question with an explaination because I'm tired of hearing the request.

Oedits are NOT EVER going to be account based. This is because accounts were created for immortal purposes, not player purposes. It just so happens that our needs happen to coincide with your convenience.

That being said, characters are seperate entities. Sin is not the same person as LadyDeth is not the same person as Nevermore. Which is why you'll get told to go &$@* yourself if you ask Sin for a rename, she doesn't do them and is frankly sick as hell of being confused with the wonderful imm whose name and appearance bear no resemblance whatsoever to her.

Role playing is not required, but we encourage it and we may be taking steps in the future to even reward it. So, while you may act like the same ass with all your characters, they are not the same according to Tempus. They are different people. And something that resonates with the magical resonance of protection that is in tune with one person's spiritual energies WILL NOT match another person.

Please do not request this again. It's not going to happen. And please refer all of your buddies to this post when they suggest the same thing.

Any arguments against this reasoning will be torn up, tossed to the ground, set on fire, and danced around whilst naked. So, please, don't bother. :)

Elric Posted 3 Oct 2006

I'll request it just to see you dance around the fire naked…

Tereus Posted 3 Oct 2006


Narcissus Posted 4 Oct 2006

Really the cause of the questions, cause I have seen this question a dozen times, is the inconsistancy of how QP's are handled and redeemed. Each time this question is asked, it's always brought up that QP's are tied to an account not a character.

Honestly it does logically follow then that what you purchase with those points would belong to the entity that owned the points in the first place, namely it's the account that provides the points, not the character.

So I say give the players what they're asking for, and return questpoint ownership to individual characters on the account.

Or stick with the resounding no, that works too.

Red Posted 5 Oct 2006

Or just make the Oedit usable by anyone, cause it's not like someone can steal it…

Nevermore Posted 5 Oct 2006

Fine… we'll go back to qp ownership per character instead of account.

Venom Posted 11 Oct 2006

NOOOOOOOOOOO! Account based is better!

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