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Experience Caps
Wrath Posted 1 Oct 2006

Yeah so I'm on a posting spree.

Ahem. Experience caps are a way of making higher gen characters not get as much experience per kill, based on their level and gen and things of that sort. Which is fine, because it makes higher gens more difficult to level. I would think the concept behind this is to encourage higher gens to go into higher gen zones, and therefore get more experience by killing more powerful mobs. But, I've noticed that when you get into the mid to higher gens, you get very little per kill, even if you are killing very high gen mobs. I make this point because I've noticed a trend. If I kill SuperHardMob and get 500k experience, spending lots of time and taking a chance that I may be killed, then I go off and kill NotHardAtAllMob and get 200k, spending no time at all and taking no chance at dying, why try and kill SuperHardMob? If I can kill 3 easier mobs in the same time as killing 1 hard mob, with less risk, why stick my neck out? Few players do.

I've read some postings about experience and how people stick to the same old zones for experience. Maybe if experience wasn't capped the way it is now, perhaps harder zones would have more appeal. I don't claim to have a clue, or to be sane, but maybe if instead of a cap per kill on experience, maybe have the experience per level increase per gen. So instead of needing 75 mil experience at gen 9 lvl 45, you may need 150 mil. What this would do is have higher gen players play in higher gen zones, because instead of capping at 500k no matter what they kill, they can go into those super hard zones and get 5 mil per kill, and feel like its worth it.

So, quantity over quality. Experience caps in general could stay in place to keep people from super spamming low gen characters of course. The new day may already have something of this sort in store for us. Anyboy have any thoughts on experience and experience caps?

Storm Posted 1 Oct 2006

I'm not a coder, so I can't say with 100% certainty that this is how experience caps work.

The way experience works right now, I think, is that it compares your level/gen with the level of the mob that you're fighting. The bigger the difference between your level/gen and the mob you're fighting, the less experience you get. As you level and gen up, the mobs you're fighting do not, and therefore you get less experience.

Experience caps, on the other hand, come into play when you're low level, and take on a mob vastly higher level than you. This mostly comes into play when you are getting spam leveled at places you shouldn't be leveling at, and are taking out mobs that are way too powerful for you to solo. In this instance the experience cap is a tool to keep players from getting spam leveled too quickly.

The key here is to create more high-gen, high-level zones that challenge and reward high-level characters, but are relatively inaccessible to low- ot mid-gen characters.

Tereus Posted 3 Oct 2006

I think that is an awesome idea Wrath. Makes total sense to me inless someone knows more about how experance works. I for one would level in harder zones if the experance worked like your idea. Like you said, at gen 10 you get the same ammount of exp for killing a mega badass mob compared to a smaller easy to kill mob. Or maybe just a little bit less. However you can kill the smaller mobs much more quickly and level faster then fighting in a high gen area.

Demandred Posted 9 Oct 2006

Personally I think it's too easy to get to gen 10 49… exp caps should max at like 125000 or something… I mean seriously it's REALLY easy to get.

Kitano Posted 9 Oct 2006

I don't think the issue is that it's too easy to get to gen 10, lvl 49. Yes, it's easy, I could get there killing nothing but halfings. But it's time consuming. Lowering exp caps doesn't make it more difficult, it makes it more time consuming. It's the balance between harder mobs yielding more experience proportional to the difficulty. Simply lowering caps does nothing. It just means I'll get the same exp from killing the Tarrasque as I would from killing a Dracharnos NEO guard. So, I'll just end up killing lots of medium difficulty mobs because, why fight anything harder if it yields the same exp? If killing the Tarrasque is 10x harder than killing the NEO guard, then it should give 10x more exp. Of course, the problem with this is that it's all subjective. Killing the guard might be very easy for a phyz, but very difficult for a psion. And as for calculating the experience anything yields, there is another problem in automating it. If a mob has 50k hp but 0 damroll and hitroll, 100 ac, and 5 dex, it's going to be very easy to kill, but will probably yield high exp because of the high hp. Conversely, a weak mob wielding a silicon sabre in a room full of aggro guards will give very little exp for being very difficult.

Anyways, I agree that exp in general needs some work, but the solution is not a simple one. Just some food for thought.

Venom Posted 11 Oct 2006

I think Kitano and Wrath are right on par. You know if it was the way Wrath would explain, then high gens would not be in the mid-low zones killing all the mobs. The exp change would be good because high gens would play in high gen zones not the mid-low gen zones becayse there is more mobs = more exp, in the sense that killing the mid-lows gets you the same exp as a high gen mob.

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