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wtf is goin on?
Allistar Posted 5 Jun 2007

I've noticed a lack of players lately. It's almost barren compared to how it was when I played before. Yesterday I was on and it was as high as its been since I started back up, and that was a whopping six people including myself. (not counting imms of course)I hope this great game isn't dying, cuz I've always loved tempus. I had trouble logging in a few days ago and checked out another MUD to keep me busy until I could get in and it can't compare. It had a large player base but it was just lame. I've also noticed the realm boards being ignored as well. I used to post somethin and I'd have a response the same day. I posted on four different topics and nothing. I read almost all the sections and saw that most of the threads stop at 2006 with a few exceptions. Is tempus being phased out? I certainly hope not, cause as I said before, it is a great game and is the only MUD I'd even play. I got into text based MUds completely by accident. I was checking online years ago for some info on the rpg "Shadowrun" and found a MUD that went with that storyline. I checked it out and enjoyed it. Sadly, I was only able to play twice as the site crashed and never went back up. I then proceeded to search for a new game, and after several duds, I checked out tempus, and was instantly hooked. The players were very helpful and I could tell a lot of work went into constructing this MUD. Then, (about 2003) I'd see on average about 10-15 people, most of which were helpful. I totally had no idea what I was doing, totally sucked and died a lot. (Not to mention being pked a zillion times.) I still had no desire to quit. Maybe I'm just logging in at a slow time (although it didn't matter before). I tried getting some of my rl friends involved but they suck and have no imagination.(Won't play a game without pictures, the illiterate {i spell that right lol} bastards.) Anyway if anyone reads this, please respond, or mudmail me. Thanx,

TOWER Posted 5 Jun 2007

Well it is the summer now as far as schools go. Everyone that played whilst in high school or away at college are now at home. Also, I think that the threat of a p-wipe a little while ago scared a lot of people away. Myself included, especially since I used all my quad potions trying to get to Gen 10 lvl 49 so I could say I made it to the top before the wipe and now it didn't get wiped at all.

Storm Posted 9 Jun 2007

It used to be that there were a lot of High School and College-aged players that played on Tempus, and they were able to play quite a bit. They formed a tight-knit community, and were able to get a lot of their friends to play with them. I know that within my circle of High School friends, we had about a dozen individual players that played, and we played a lot. Now, all of those players are adults, and have jobs, and spouses, and maybe even children. All of these things take time, and that means less time to play on the MUD.

New players haven't stepped in to fill the void left behind by the other players that have moved on. I think we need to focus on recruiting newer, younger players, who have the spare time to play on the MUD.

Eternal Posted 5 Jul 2007

Poeple leave for alot of reasons. Lack of pkilling, to much pkilling, growing up and having a family, the list goes on and on. Either way La Mogra zone needs to go back to the way it was lol.

Eternal Posted 7 Jul 2007

And now, once again another reason for players to leave. To drasti of changes with classes such as mages.

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