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Objects not loading
Wrath Posted 14 Jan 2008

This is old news, but after a recent discussion with some people on the mud I'm going to air it out here. The random stats that objects load with, as well as the objects being able to be set to load only a certain percentage of the time, give the mud some dynamic equipment. Having said that, I feel that the objects on the mud should load even if there are one or even a few of them already in existence on the mud. It can be difficult and frustrating to try to get a good piece of equipment when 1) you can't get it to load at all, and 2) when it does load its a piece of crap.

I personally feel that if I can make it through the zone to the mob, and kill said mob, that the mob should load the piece of equipment I'm looking for most of the time, not just on reboots.

What do you think? Do you think the difficulty in getting good equipment adds to or detracts from the mud? Maybe its easier for you to load decent equipment than I. I am cursed after all…

Deneb Posted 15 Jan 2008

Yeah, in the sense that we all look forward to reboots and crashes then it definitely says something is not right. Reboots/crashes shouldn't have any meaning to us; unless it's negative because of the downtime or positive because the implementation of something new. So yes, if some mobs only load their eq when it reboots/crashes (which I cannot confirm is true or not) then that should be changed. For example, the Acidic Blade only seems to load on reboots/crashes. If anyone has a counter example, please speak up. When it comes to objects loading more frequently overall, then I think we should count our blessings. I used to junk chrome rapiers left and right because they were only decent (still really good) when Tempus was very unstable. Rare items are meant to be rare items. However, I believe that the 'objects that don't load unless none are in the game' type of function should be changed to load on percentage instead, much like the chrome rapier is set to load. It won't work out very well if we were to get a larger player base. Which might happen!

Frychu Posted 15 Jan 2008

I totally agree with Deneb. If objects load a small percentage of the time (perhaps based on the number currently in-game), it'll still be worth it to kill the mob that loads it. With the hope that it'll repop with the mob the next time, this would encourage people to play more often. I think.

Acid Posted 15 Jan 2008

I believe as of right now, there are a lot of items that are set to maxload 1, which is really bothersome for the most part. Some of those items that are set to maxload 1 only load on a percent. So what you have to do to load a lot of items is make sure that it's not in game and kill the mob carrying the item over and over until it load.

I'd like to see it be one or the either to be honest. If things are going to be set maxload 1 they should always load OR if things are going to load on a percentage, then it should load on a percentage regardless of copies of it in game.

The current system makes it so that certain items have a percent to load at all and even if they load they have a remote chance to load with any decent stats. This seems really excessive.

Ecstacy Posted 16 Jan 2008

All very good points. Scrap the 1 maxload and add all % load rates based on how rare or scarse the item should be. What should be considered rare? I guess that depends on alot of things.

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