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Formatting on Realms
Deneb Posted 20 Feb 2008

The formatting for here sucks. Even though I insert a paragraph break after "…sucks." it doesn't show up that way when I post it. Can't that be changed?

Eternal Posted 21 Feb 2008

It gets the job done but I do agree some changes could make things much nicer.

Deneb Posted 11 Apr 2008

Why aren't the new topics posting?

Azimuth Posted 14 Apr 2008

Just put a blank line to add a paragraph.


The formatting sucks for a reason. I wanted the focus to be on what people said, not what their text looked like. Most of the departures from normal forums on realm is for a very specific effect.

Azimuth Posted 14 Apr 2008

Anyway, what do you mean why aren't the new topics posting?

Azimuth Posted 15 Apr 2008

Ah, that's what you mean. I just fixed it. Apparently there was some incompatibility regarding a db upgrade.

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