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Post Code Change Eq Durability
Gneissic Posted 16 Apr 2011

I know that many of us have noticed that eq breaks a lot easier after the code change. For me, I found that the eq breaks in response to things that shouldn't affect eq (for example, my weapon gets worn down after my bard screams and psiblasts). Was this intentional? Is it going to be changed?

To clarify: I don't want it to seem that I'm frustrated over the code change. Rather, I want to bring to attention the required fixes that have the highest priority to me, as a player. I have been playing a lot less lately because of this change (my weapon is not easily replaced), and I would greatly appreciate a resolution.

Shaba Posted 16 Apr 2011

Im used to just removing my head eq to do zones like fassan and gith because the mobs never stop using psi crush, but all my eq and my weapon wearing down really fast is not fun, I have a lot of things I just cant replace and I cant afford to !break all of them. My stuff wore down before but never this fast.

Merriam Posted 29 Apr 2011

Had a perfect steel war-helm, reinforced and latticed, be destroyed to a mangled heap from a single occurrence of a psi crush. I literally repaired all my gear, went to the zone, got psi-crushed by a mob that takes me 3 hits to kill, and it was destroyed.

Bushido Posted 28 May 2011

yea i ran through kki today and my hellspike went from perfect to terrible. i repaired and finished the zone and it was already at excellent. did 2 runs of ancients and it went from excellent to bad. that is really overkill on the durability being so crappy now

Deneb Posted 29 May 2011

What exactly did the code change do to eq durability?

Scream and psiblast wearing down your own weapons? That definitely sounds like it needs to be fixed.

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