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Tempus Down
Resonance Posted 2 Mar 2015

looks like the game crashed HARD.

probably my fault. sorry guys.

Zalasta Posted 2 Mar 2015

Soo how much of a down time are we looking at?

Resonance Posted 2 Mar 2015

no idea. I guess until wish notices it's down

Drystan Posted 2 Mar 2015

Still down? Crazy. Somebody better call him.

Bushido Posted 3 Mar 2015

This deep down has to be eclipses fault. He's the only one that can break it this bad

Red Posted 3 Mar 2015

Tempus is still broken, like a Thief.

Zalasta Posted 3 Mar 2015

This is causing me to have to work at work……

Resonance Posted 3 Mar 2015

I think wish is the only one right now who can bring the mud back up, and he only logs on every few days.

I don't know how to get ahold of him, either, so we just gotta wait till he shows up

Eclipse Posted 4 Mar 2015

Hey, it wasn't me for once! I blame Resonance, he's been playing with progs lately!

Resonance Posted 4 Mar 2015

yup. it appears the current progs in the crystal fort are unstable. ive been re-writing them, but I cant put em in until the mud comes back up and wish gives me the ability to!

I should note, that I had to write these programs completely from scratch, with absolutely no help. im sorry if the progs are what crashed the mud, im trying to fix them so they wont do it again

Brywing Posted 4 Mar 2015

You're being creative and adding something to the Tempus world. It is for a good cause. :)

Wish Posted 4 Mar 2015

The game crashed due to an object issue in zone 280 and a regular reboot won't fix it. We're looking at it and will get it up as soon as we can :)

Resonance Posted 4 Mar 2015

yup, thought so.

should I wait till the mud is up before asking which item?

Zalasta Posted 4 Mar 2015

So I go to log in and it seems to be fine until I get to the character selection screen. In red it says Bad Problems with Mazrim Zalasta and Solaris. It says please report report number 14640,14647, and 14691.

Bushido Posted 4 Mar 2015

I have the same problem. All my charactes gave the same BAD PROBLEM message

Balian Posted 4 Mar 2015

I am getting the same problem. All my characters are showing problems as well. Hope it's fixable.

Resonance Posted 4 Mar 2015

geebus. im sorry guys. I have no idea what I did, but it looks like I fucked up hardcore

Resonance Posted 4 Mar 2015

one of my characters is able to get into the game,

and uh, my house is totally empty

Omnipotent Posted 4 Mar 2015

We are working on this. Thank you for your patience.

Resonance Posted 5 Mar 2015

wait, zone 280?


its not my fault!

my zone is 238, not 280

not sure what zone 280 is, but it aint mine, and that means its not my fault!

Resonance Posted 5 Mar 2015

ugh, nevermind.

learander is zone 280, and if an object issue caused the breaking, I know exactly which item is was, and it WAS my fault

im sorry again :(

if anyone logs on, don't be alarmed to find your houses empty and your characters naked. it's being worked on

Omnipotent Posted 5 Mar 2015

Please be patient. We will resolve this shortly.

Resonance Posted 5 Mar 2015


not sure what I just did, but I cant get to the login screen. it says im connected to tempusmud, but I get a big, blank screen

Relic Posted 5 Mar 2015

Im getting the same message.

Synthesis Posted 6 Mar 2015

Appears fixed. Is it?

Zalasta Posted 6 Mar 2015

Nope still naked as the day i was born.

Resonance Posted 6 Mar 2015

houses were back when I logged on, but characters were still naked

now houses are gone too

Resonance Posted 6 Mar 2015

houses came back again, then vanished again

Bushido Posted 6 Mar 2015

Is everything back to normal?

Zalasta Posted 6 Mar 2015

Logged in this morning and was still naked and emplty.

Wish Posted 7 Mar 2015

Still working on it. We'll let you know when everything is worked out.

We have a patient community, which is greatly appreciated. Thank you!!

Zalasta Posted 10 Mar 2015

I hate to sound impatient, but I was hoping we could get an update as to when the loading issue might be fixed. I know the news says there will be a roll back, but when might this occur?

Omnipotent Posted 10 Mar 2015

Possibly this weekend. Sit tight. We will move to get the roll back done soon.

Red Posted 10 Mar 2015

So will everything we do from now until then be rolled back too?

Resonance Posted 10 Mar 2015

yes. everything you do until the rollback will be erased when it finally happens.

and I hope the rollback happens during the week.

need mah tempus fix! cant wait til the weekend! fidget

Enlightenment Posted 11 Mar 2015

If anyone has had any significant changes to their characters post February 28, please send Wish a mudmail so we can fix it after the roll back.

Zalasta Posted 11 Mar 2015

FYI the MUD has been down since yesterday evening.

Enlightenment Posted 12 Mar 2015

Some updates and fixes may require the mud to be down. We are doing our best to get everything up and running.

Please keep in mind that everyone working on it has a full time job, so time is a bit limited.

The good news is we have a solution, so things will be back soon.

thank you for your patience.

Zalasta Posted 12 Mar 2015

Please do not misunderstand my post as it was not meant to be accusatory. I understand that all of the Immortals are volunteers with full time jobs. Trust me I understand the demands of a full time job/family. That is why I posted that the MUD was down, as I am sure not everyone that can control this has the opportunity to log on daily. I personally appreciate what you and the rest of the Immortal staff put into a game that has no financial reward. It is great news that you guys have found a fix, and put the effort into finding one. The easier approach would have been to say sorry, but it is beyond our control you will have to re-equip yourself.

Enlightenment Posted 12 Mar 2015

That would be a pretty messed up thing to tell our players to just re-eq.

I understand the frustrations too. I am happy to see you and others passionate about tempus being up.

Rest assured. Once we are up and running i will have a fun quest for everyone.

Resonance Posted 13 Mar 2015

I don't mean to undermine anything or sound like a jackass, but when the mud crashes, it needs to be rebooted to be brought back online.

currently, I believe only wish and his coder friend have access to the code, so they're the only ones who can do the reboot to bring Tempus back online.

as soon as wish notices the mud's down, and is somewhere where he can access the code, it'll be rebooted and the mud will come back up.

Resonance Posted 13 Mar 2015

tempus is up @ 4:32 pm EST

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