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If you could add...
Panzer Posted 29 Mar 2004

Any one class, what would it be (and why)?

Any one skill and/or spell, what would it be?

Any one race, what would it be?

Here are my answers:

Class: Necromancer Why: I have always loved playing a necromancer. Something about summoning and controlling hordes of undead and turning yourself into a lich is just apealing to me :)

Spell/skill: See my posting about adding the Necro class and spells. Any of those would be fun :)

Race: Tiefling (or equivilant) Why: Since we have such an elaborate planes system (abyss, hell, etc), it just goes to figure that such creatures could have mortal offspring due to their trips into the PMP.

Gasraidh Posted 29 Mar 2004

Class-Um, hmm. I really think tempus is cool with classes in all honesty. I guess if anything a runemaster would be cool. they can scribe runes on various floors and walls, armor, weapons wtc to result in different effects.

Skill/Spell-Pyrokinesis for Psis would be sweet. If they are warriors of the mind, also it seems it would make sense they would getperm telekinesis as well.

Race-well lets see, we have dwarves, elves, hobbits, cat people, etc i think we could use a reptillian race

Panzer Posted 30 Mar 2004

This is just for fun…it's not challenging the "coolness" of the current classes or anything. I'm just trying to get some conversation started because I have nothing else to do while at work :P

Runecaster..that's a cool idea. I saw something similar once, called a Jomsviking. Very intersting class, it was.

Tattooing would be neat too, I think. Magical tattoos that you can have inscribed (for a price).

Storm Posted 30 Mar 2004

Class: Pro-Wrestler Class for the future so that we can bring back piledrive!!! Then we could revive the WTF and XTQ Arena!!

Skill: I think it would be cool to have the mount skill souped up a little so that there could be some kind of bonus to mounted combat and perhaps even a way for players to have jousts and such.

Race: They already added the race that I wanted… Halfling! Now all we need is a halfling champion to wander the halfling village and protect all of the innocent midgets.

Panzer Posted 30 Mar 2004

What are you trying to say, Storm…that committing genocide upon an entire race (ala halflings) is a bad thing?

Everyone knows that the halflings are the whipping boys of the multiverse.

An elven bard walks into a tavern and asks the crowd, "Who's dragon is that outside?" An older gentleman, dressed in archmage robes stands up, and replies "Mine. Why?" The bard somberly approaches the mage. "I regret to inform you that the halfling in our party has killed your dragon"

"What!" erupts the archmage. "Your halfling killed Rithvaeraradace. Slayer of the Elminster, Destroyer of Cormyr, Raider of Waterdeep, Ruler of the Dales, Thorn to the Gods, and Bane of all Toril! How did this happen!?"

The bard sheepishly looks at the archmage and replies "Well…the little guy got stuck in its throat!"

Q. How do you get a halfling out of a tree? A. Cut the rope.

Q. How do you stop a halfling from drowning? A. Take your foot off his head.

Q. How do you keep halflings out of your back yard?
A. Hang one out the front.

Q. Why do halflings laugh when they are playing football? A. Because the grass is tickling there balls.

Q. Why did the halfling fall out of the tree? A. Cause he wasn't holding on.

Panzer Posted 30 Mar 2004

You know you're a Halfling when… You go Christmas shopping for your mom, sister, and girlfriend and only come back with one gift.

You might be a Halfling if your toothbrush is a hand-me-down.

You might be a Halfling if your grandma goes to the bathroom and comes out yelling “Come look before I flush it!”

Q: How does a Halfling take a bubblebath? A: He farts in a puddle.

Q: What's the last thing a Halfling says before he dies?

A: ”Hey! Watch this…”

Elric Posted 31 Mar 2004

Tattoo's would freaken rule! (I really wanted to use a different f word, but wisely chose not to) They could in fact be a bloody great way of boosting the barbarians skill set. Let me throw this out as a refinement to the idea.

Tattoo would be a new item type and would have it's own equipment slots for body parts in a similar fashion to implants. Based on what character class you are you would be able to 'use' a certain number of tattoo's at any one time (in a similar fashion to the way the number of specializations vary based on what primary / secondary class you are).

A Knight for instance would not use a lot of tattoos as they don't look good in the society he associates with. A barbarian on the other hand… If this idea would be adopted I'd say Barbarians should be able to be completely tattoo'd and they'd be the only class that could do so. In fact, give them 'spells' that allow them to scribe 'tattoo type' upon their own flesh. It'd be bloody great imho.

Drom Posted 31 Mar 2004

Necromancers are always a good idea. But, I've got this thing about hords of mindless undead dominating the landscape. Course.. if this went in, Zhengi would get a facelift…

Magical Tatoos always seemed very similar to implants. Vis'a'vis you get them inscribed on you, and you have to re-inscribe after you die. Of course, uninscribing, or looting tatoos of a corpse doesn't sit well with me.

I think you also failed to mention a couple of primary users of such tatoos.

1: Monks. Hey, its our only oriental class, and I definately could see them getting into a lil magical inkage.

2: Mages. Power being the usual goal of a Wizard, a little personal defacement for power would go a long way.

Heck, if we went far enough with them they could turn into a class themselves. Anyone remember the "Tatoo Warriors" of Rifts?

Panzer Posted 31 Mar 2004

I agree, looting of tattoos isn't a good idea.

Having them reinscribed if you die..well..not a big deal and it fits with the fact that your corpse is lying on the ground in front of you.

I think all classes could benefit from tattoos, and I don't see any reason to limit them to only a certain class.

Heartsbane Posted 1 Apr 2004

If i could add one class: Redneck - Cities dont like them (except maybe the occasional trip to town to sell their goods), and they excel with blunt objects, such as rocks, and baseball bats…

Panzer Posted 2 Apr 2004

All you need to do is combine the halflings with merc gun skills…and then create a trailer park for them to live in.

I think Broken could handle the creation of the park…his can be the founding trailer :)

Heartsbane Posted 3 Apr 2004

and they could get special bonus's for marrying their sister…

Elric Posted 5 Apr 2004

Hmm, maybe we could get the tattoo part of this thread moved out so it doesn't get disregarded? :p

I didn't specifically comment on all classes and the likelyhood of them using tattoos, I just tried to go from one potential extreme to the other. A knight at one end may not use a lot of them, as traditionally they associate with the nobility and the nobility would likely look down on such a barbaric concept as permently disfiguring your body. A barbarian at the other end wouldn't give a stuff and would possibly in fact have MORE social standing in his society based on the number of tattoos he has.

Forget about 'em as an 'item' as such, and have them as permenant enhancements specifically for classes that would use 'em.

For example. Mage goes and gets a tattoo that gives a benefit. He pays 1 life point (or more, whatever this is all hypothetical) and gets a permenant boost of 1 damroll for example. This is then his for 'life' (You could have this removed upon death or it could stay a permenant boost, I think it all comes down to a balance issue. How much it costs to get the tattoo, how much of a benefit it gives, etc etc etc)

I personally think Barbarians should / could be given a skillset to scribe tattoos upon themselves much as anyone can use implants but only cyborgs can implant themselves / pay no penalty for implanting.

I'm familiar with the tattoo warriors of rifts ;) I just reckon we could use and abuse that idea to boost barbarians, a class that imho has needed more skills for almost as long as tempus has been around :P

I agree though that others can and would use tattoos, the only reason I'm wanting a limit based on classes is for balances sake.

Please read the post fully before replying, and if you need clarification on any of the points, please ask. I'm getting a little tired of people not reading the post, and thereby necessitating another post from me to point out that if they had read it in the first place…

Elric Posted 5 Apr 2004

And uhh, just so ya all know, no one has done that in this thread, I'm not having a go at anyone in particular :)

Ego Posted 5 Apr 2004


Panzer Posted 6 Apr 2004

I started thinking some more:

I'd like to see Bards added.

Give them some thief and mage skills, as well as develop "song" spells.

Songs that they could sing during battle to increase attack ferocity, or inspire dread/fear in their enemies.

A lullaby to put their foe to sleep.

A bard could sing Peter Gabriel's "Shock the Monkey" to be able to cast "shocking grasp"…or maybe Blue Oyster Cult's "Burning For You" to cas fireball…fun stuff like that :)

Craedric Posted 7 Jun 2004

Class - I'd like to see a few, and sense i was thinking about becoming a writer for tempus (nevermore says she'd like to see me be one once i am "bttr understanding of the game", which, i admit, i do need to be. First would be a Lich - Frost / Necro Mancer with a bunch of summons and freezing spells. The cold sides of tempus are really played down - so far as i've seen.

Skill - Ranger Bow skills. Ive said it before, i'll say it now, and ill probably say it again (i think ive got alsymers…). Rangers need bows. Rangers are essentially weaker barbarians with spells. Play up the fact that they are rangers! Bow skills - such as duel shot, flaming arrow, envenomed arrow, Etc, would be nice.

For races, I'd like to see a Undead class and a Righteous Defender class. undead would be an evil class, with a built in resistance to cold / poison. However, abilities such as turn and protect from undead would work ungainst him. For the Righteous defender, i would see kind of a Guardian Angel class, with a sort of plus damage twords evil and perhaps a built in turn instead of the Tabaxis claw or bite. However, spells such as Protection from Good and Damn would have an extremely powerful effect on them, as they are so holy it would mess around with them.

More so then seeing new races, i'd like to see new kinds of things added to tempuses - Curses. Not like subtract Dex curses, but like becoming a Werewolf at a certain time of the night. For example, lets say one day your out hunting, and you see a werewolf. You decide that, as its about your level, you'll fight it. However, it bites you as you start to win, and you see "You feel a strange sensation flow through your vains". Every night, at midnight, your charactar would become a Werewolf, and you would gain a new set of skills and lose your current ones. If anyone saw you whilst in werewolf form, all they would see is "A werewolf prowls about, growling and snarling as it walks". You could kill whoever and whatever you wanted to, so long as noone found out you were a werewolf. If you didnt want to be a werewolf, a quick visit to the town's alchemist for potions of remove curse (temporary) or a visit to the town Healer and a large sum of gold, you could be free of the curse forever. Another cool curse would be Vampirism. You would gain a new set of skills, but keep the old ones you had, these new skills including Drink Blood (you bite a heavily wounded [incapacitated] person, giving you blood, heal you, and temporarily increase your statline, and Embrace [make a fellow player a Vampire - must be Incapacitated] You could not go out during the day, in order to Rent you would need to ascertain a coffin (perhaps you could take one from the cemetery near modrian), And instead of Hunger and thirst, it would be "You Quench Blood" if you thirst. If you become deprived of blood too long, you shall beocme greatly inhibited of movement and damage, as well as constituition. In order to drink blood, you could use the Drink Blood ability, or you could use puddles of bloods (found after killing things, as you have all seen) to fill canteens. Sunlight would greatly damage you, and most holy things that saw you would want to kill you. Just the Humble opinions of Craedric the Beautiful Fool

Gasraidh Posted 20 Jun 2004

Bard would be really cool to see.

It might be a way to encourage grouping. I know in FFXI bards have trouble fighting on their own until they aer an uber high level, but in a group they are beasts. Helping everyone in the party with songs that raise damage, speed, etc. It would also give a class that is VERY dependent on charisma, since there really isn't one (unless you count mage, which, personally, i don't) I don't know some songs that cause creatures to flee, or things like that. it'd be pretty spiffy.

Riverwind Posted 24 Jun 2004

I love the idea of bards!

As far as grouping is concerned they would make for an excellent addition. Group powers gained from different songs'd be great.

Things like: Battle Hymn - confidence booster Dirge - moving movement or mana to hp's to allow that final retreat

New items could be added … like instruments …


Think of it, that's what Tempus is missing.


Bagpipes rock out.

.. "We're no awa tae bide awa!"

Craedric Posted 13 Jul 2004

Oh, God! that reminds me - For race: Celt - a Larger, less intelligent but more wise Human

But yeah, bagpipes pwn. And lutes. But bards should be able to buy an Axe (electric guitar) in the future, just cuz it'd own to be able to play on an electric guitar.

Darkesoul Posted 25 Jul 2004

I am with everyone else who happen to want to see necromancer class go in. I personally am not feeling the whole Bard class thing, and I agree that tatoos are not only feasible, but sound hella cool. -DS

Heartsbane Posted 27 Jul 2004


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