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New skills/spell ideas
Lysolchip Posted 29 May 2004

Okay, so I was bored today and decided to post some of the skill ideas that I've been thinking about lately. Granted, most of these are stolen from Warcraft, but I still think they'd be cool nonetheless.


-Stun hit, probably best as a low remort skill: When wielding a blunt weapon (hammer, staff, etc), there is a chance that the barb will actually stun his enemy while fighting.

-War stomp, high level skill: This skill lets the barb stomp the ground so hard that it stuns everyone in the room that is standing/sitting/sleeping.


-Choose familiar, low level skill: The ranger spells call rodent, call reptile, etc aren't too good, since the animals that are summoned are really really weak. I'd love for rangers to be able to choose 1 of these animals to become their familiar, allowing that animal to level up with the ranger. And, if the animal dies, it could just be re-summoned, retaining the stats that the ranger got it to.

-Animal Meld, high gen remort spell: Would work in conjuction with choose familiar. The ranger could meld with his familiar, increasing HP, dam, and hit.

-Critical strike, mid level skill: Okay, personally, I think this skill would make more sense for a barbarian, but since rangers already have this skill passively, I'll talk about it here. I think critical strike should actually be a skill that the ranger has to learn, allowing it to improve (strike more often and/or cause more damage) as the ranger gens up.

-Summon scout, high level spell: This spell allows the ranger to summon a controllable bird that can be used to scout the area, most helpful for checking for DTs.


-Animal War Riding, high-level skill: I've always imagined knights riding in on a horse. I'd love for knights to be able to have this passive skill, giving them extra damroll, hitroll, and possibly even some speed when fighting on a horse. (Could even be related to the horses stats, adding another element where the knight would want to find the best steed possible)

-Turn: Already a skill in the game, but it really really sucks. I think it'd be cool if a good knight could turn an undead creature for a lot more damage and evil knight could turn an undead creature, and the creature might actually become a servant for the evil knight Good Knights (or Good Clerics):

-Divine Shield, mid-gen remort spell: Through extreme concentration and prayer to their God, good knights are able to become invulnerable in battle. However, because of the concentration required to keep up this spell, the knight cannot attack with this shield on them. This spell would of course be make the good knight a tank and help promote grouping.

Evil Knights (or Evil Clerics):

-Frost Armor, mid-gen remort spell: The knight is able to encase himself in an armor of ice, granting more AC than the regular armor spell. Enemies who attack the knight in this state will have the chance of being chilled (slowed). I'm thinking something like a 15% chance of being slowed would be appropriate and the enemy could still save from being slowed of course.

-Death and Decay, high gen remort spell: A mass attack spell that causes destruction to everyone in the room (except for the knight himself) It would cause a large attack when first cast (like meteor or fission blast) and then would continue destroying thing in the room at some rate. Only castable once in a room.

Evil Cleric:

-Disease cloud, mid-level spell: This spell surrounds the cleric in a disease cloud, giving a chance for enemies attacking the cleric to become sick.


-Mana burn, mid-gen remort skill: A clever psi is able to use an enemies mental/spiritual energies against them. The target would lose mana and a percentage of that mana would damage the target as well.


-Missle upgrade, high level skill: Nothing unique about this skill I can think of. I just think it'd be cool if cyborgs could launch missiles into the room as a mass attack.

-Reconfigure: Ok, this is already a skill that cyborgs have that hasn't been implemented. I think it could be used to allow the cyborg to reconfigure his systems for different elemental protections (i.e. reconfigure fire would give protection from fire, etc and possibly even prot_lightning)

-Internal energy reserve, mid-gen remort skill: This skill would allow the cyborg to have an internal energy reserve that the cyborg could channel excess energy into, meaning electrical attack. This extra reserve could then be accessed by the cyborg to recharge his vitality. It can back-fire however if the reserve is already full when taking an electric attack. This would result in an explosion, extremely damaging the cyborg.


-Improvement on zen of translocation: In addition to the ability to teleport, a powerful monk could translocate past enemy barriers such as energy field, electrostatic field, blade barrier, etc when attacking. I'm not sure if this would work against pris sphere since pris sphere is also a remort spell (but zen of translocation is a higher remort spells than pris sphere).

-Zen of neutrality, low-level zen: This has been brought up before, lets the monk alignment go back to 0.


-Hex, high-gen remort spell: A mage could hex an enemy, turning it into a weakened animal, unable to use its skills for the duration of the spell.

-Mute, high-gen remort spell: A mage could mute an enemy, blocking it from using spells for the duration of the spell.

-Blink, low-gen remort spell: I know Azimuth mentioned this spell before for a new combat system, but I think it could still work for this mud, allowing the mage to safely blink out of the room into a surrounding room (basically a mage retreat)

Thief or Mercenary:

-Set trap, mid-level skill: A cunning thief could set a trap in a room to either stun, damage, or something else cool that I can't think of.

Anyway, these are all I can think of off the top of my head. Probably more to come later.


Lysolchip Posted 31 May 2004

Looking at Elric's forge artifact post, I was thinking this could work for borg also for that unused reconfigure skill. Reconfigure could be used to change normal armor/weapons into electronic equipment that would make the item +borg. This could be a high remort skill.

Anyway, this wouldn't do anything alone other than make the item +borg, but then there could also be another high level skill called upgrade item that allows a cyborg to upgrade an electronic equipment by adding AC or dam or something like that.

Craedric Posted 31 May 2004

Bieng a Warcraft 3 fan, and after reading the 1st post, i make notice that i am not the only person on Tempus who plays WC3 : ). Spells such as Death and Decay, Mana Burn, and quite a few others are straight off of heros from Warcraft (ex. Disease Cloud, mute, frost armour, divine shield). Quite a bit of stealing, there, eh pal? I think some more spells for evil knghts would help (as an evil knight myself, this MAY be a lil biased L: / ) How about a few auras for both Holy / Unholy Knights? As long as we're on the subject of stealing from warcraft : ), How about a Vampiric Touch (either a Direct Damage spell, one cast = X damage, depending on Knights level, or as an aura, providing x% life steal, also depending on Knights level or Gen), or Life Leach (channeling spell, syphoning life right out of target) ability for the Dark Knight, with an Unholy Aura providing him with increased damage (slight, but increases with level), strength, chance to flee (hey, hes a craven knight "Tis best to flee and run away, then to fight and die this very day {think thats how the MTG card goes : /}), and mana. Sort of like a less powerful, easier to obtain souless (i was figuring you'd get this at 2nd or 3rd gen). For the good kinght, perhaps a more powerful version of bless (what a shit skill that was) that provided damage to evil creatures, Aura of Servitude (provides user with increased life, increased armour class, and increased mana), and maybe Prayer, an abuility that termporarily (but greatly) reduces the alignment of an evil aligned charactar twords good, thereby hampering (or even removing) thier ability to cast spells, and the ability to wear some armour.

Butthead Posted 2 Jun 2004

death and decay was also a spell for death knights in warcraft 2

Lysolchip Posted 29 May 2005

Since it seems that realm has become a bit more active lately, I'd figure I'd try to bump this post and see if it could get a bit more attention. Ignore the zen of neutrality idea since that has already been implemented with the zen of dispassion (thanks to the coders for putting this in btw).

Hsu Posted 31 May 2005

what about a skill

Calibrate- temporarily increases electronic equipment to their max stat. I guess the higher their dex and int is the closer the stats will be to the maximum.

I could picture a borg or phys doing it.

Kakarot Posted 1 Jun 2005

how about shield bash for knights :)

Merriam Posted 18 Jul 2005

I would love to see Barbarians have a passive skill which gives a chance to stun. Sleeper hold should already do this.


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