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Thieves and their Backstabbiness
Strael Posted 24 Jul 2004

120 BS dam with 75% reduct -239 AC (Sepherus) Awake 160 BS dam with 75% reduct -400? AC (Firestorm) Awake 300 BS dam with 30%? reduct -168 AC (Roan) Awake 225 BS dam with 5% reduct -115 AC (Jakezor) Awake

Gen 3 lvl 26 Thi/Borg 30 dam, avg 40 piercing weapon that weighs 13 lbs. No implants in right now. Not spec'ed with said weapon. Moderately encumbered.

I've been told weight affects Backstabs as well.. All I know is Backstab is 91% right now, and on NPCs, I still miss like crazy.

If Str helps accuracy -and- damage.. Then all Thieves -should- need on a basic level is just lots of str and damroll.

AC: -112, Thac0: 12, Hitroll: 13 (7), Damroll: 30 Str: 1810, Int: 11, Wis: 15, Dex: 21, Con: 16, Cha: 6

I am told weight affects Backstab to a degree, wanting to see others opinions.

Seeing as how Thieves do not hit particularly fast or hard and nor do they have a lot of hit points, I would think Backstab would be their main form of attack.

I would like to get others thoughts on Backstab and Thieves. At gen 2, my psiblast was doing 20% more than my backstab on stunned things at level 49..

Just curious, David

Heartsbane Posted 24 Jul 2004

heh, backstab still kicks ass, my thief never has a problem with its damage, it does like 500 through nopain or somethin, n he's only level 35

Heartsbane Posted 24 Jul 2004

heh, backstab still kicks ass, my thief never has a problem with its damage, it does like 500 through nopain or somethin, n he's only level 35

Heartsbane Posted 24 Jul 2004

<3 accidentally posting twice

Strael Posted 24 Jul 2004

Which reminds me.. As everyone tells me Thieves are all PK.. Have Backstab ignore all Dam reduction/AC ect. "Your mind is ignoring pain." is all good and well.. but when your back or heart is feeling a sharp pointy object get thrust into it….

Feel free to flame this post. Strael

Heartsbane Posted 24 Jul 2004

For that matter, have nopain not really do anything at all, because when you take vikidin irl, i suppose it doesnt mean you can take a knife to the throat and not die, and everyone knows that online games should be as lifelike as possible…

Darkesoul Posted 25 Jul 2004

I have to agree with Strael on this one folks, and here is why…As i recently found out, hammy ignores manashield regardless of what the setting on Mshield is. With most mages hps being 500-600 if they are lucky, not many mages will survive a hammy atm. It also seems that a good percent of the time, pris sphere and electrostatic sphere (both were enabled at the same time) neither stopped a simple hiptoss or caused damage to the hiptosser. Unless i am mistaken hiptoss is a physical attack, both the field and the sphere are designed to repel physical attacks, and the mage char i am referring to is gen 6 so both spells are at superb or better i believe. Keeping mind the name of the skill, it isnt unreasonable to think that there should at least be a % chance to kill your opponent outright anytime you backstab someone anyway. The percent chance would of course improve with gen/lvl, up to say a max chance of 40 -50 % at gen 10 lvl 49.

Jakezor Posted 26 Jul 2004

Protection from lightning will effectively make electrostatic field and energy field completely ineffective. i.e. it doesn't block anything.

Jakezor Posted 27 Jul 2004

To respond to Darkesoul's idea, i myself think it's completely unreasonable for a backstab to have a chance to kill with one hit. Imagine how unbalancing that would be in pk. In a lot of cases, in order to even survive a backstab you need to have 75% reduction and 1k hp. If you were going to make it so that it would kill you no matter what, that would be completely unfair.

Heartsbane Posted 27 Jul 2004

Yeah, if backstab had a % chance to be an instant kill, a lot of other skills would need that to, and that'd completely unbalance PK

Lysolchip Posted 27 Jul 2004

I think having backstab go through dam reduct or have a chance at an instant kill is completely rediculous. Backstab is already very powerful, especially high gen/high level. I mean, if you were gonna do something like this for backstab, why not do it for behead or cleave? Isn't there a chance that a knight could completely chop a guy's head off, and isn't there a chance that a barb could completely cleave through someone's brain?

I'll admit that as a mortal, thief is very hard to level with such low HP. But once you have a gen (in my experience at least), thieves are incredibly easy to level. A stun, BS, retreat and repeat is able to kill most things pretty easily.

I actually still have a gripe that the thief stun is so powerful. I mean a mortal thief's backstab has a very good chance of landing on a gen 10. Now that's pretty cheap imo.

Elric Posted 28 Jul 2004

Lysolchip said: I actually still have a gripe that the thief stun is so powerful. I mean a mortal thief's backstab has a very good chance of landing on a gen 10. Now that's pretty cheap imo.

Uhh Lysol, I THINK you might have made a booboo in the above line. Correct me if I'm wrong, but you're complaining about the ability of a mortal thief to land a stun on a gen 10, not about a mortal thief backstabbing a gen 10 for a piddly amount of damage. :p

Lysolchip Posted 28 Jul 2004

Err yeah, that was a typo…meant to say stun, not backstab….realm needs an edit option

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