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New thief skill?
Faithless Posted 19 Sep 2004

Ok, sice thieves are pretty weak PvM, (atleast against mobs that can see and track), i figured out another thief type skill, sice thieves ARE lacking in remort skills, getting only 2, one at gen 1 lvl 17 and the other at gen 2 lvl 22.

Ok, i havent thought of a good name for this, maybe slide or something, but what it is is you choose a direction, maybe 2 depending on the room you are entering. You choose the direction to go, i.e north, and your character slides into that room, then a mob you have chosen when activating this skill gets attacked by you, like slitting his throat or something, then you slide out of the room in the direction chosen.

Example use: slide north halfling east

This could cause bleeding, maybe continous damage, but there would be a chnace to fail in which it would start combat. You cant slit a mobs throat more then once, because it would already be slit. Damage could be menial, tell me what ya guys think please.

Faithless Posted 19 Sep 2004

Also we could change uncanny dodge, or upgrade it at a higher gen maybe?

Lets say u have 2 or 3 mobs attacking you, the skill could potentioally allow you to dodge one mobs attack and have a percent chance of their attack hitting a different mob assissting them, this is a D&D skill adapted, Sanguinius knows the name, i forgot it.

Gasraidh Posted 19 Sep 2004

I like the idea for slide. But why not just make a skill called "Throat Slit" then sneak in, and retreat…essentially that's all your idea is done in 1 command isn't it? If i'm missing something let me know.

Regardless, I think it's a good idea.

Faithless Posted 19 Sep 2004

Basically ya. The only difference i can think of is that slide would be used to not enter combat, like if its a REALLY tough mob (for thieves that a majority) You would even have a chance of getting killed in one hit/spell/power move whatever. But i do see what yer sayin too, It may be kinda complicated with the directions and stuff for slide, but basically slide n mob s, is the same as n ;slit mob ;retreat s. Only slide avoids combat.

Jakezor Posted 20 Sep 2004

So basically you want thieves to be able to do something like stun, backstab, retreat except with no chance of being attacked by a mob?

Faithless Posted 20 Sep 2004

No, thats why I said damage could be menial. There would be no stunning, the mob would be in its original position, unless the thief planned on stunning them in the firt place, then they would just backstab it, then retreat and the new skill would be pointless.

This skill, slide or slit throat is meant for the mobs that a thief cant solo, like a ranger could, or a barb. It helps with PvM becuase it could potentailly deal DoT, hence the bleeding. It wouldnt do near as much damage as backstab, and if you think those skills are so powerfull to begin with why didnt you play a thief? Maybe becuase they arent? and they cant kill mobs very easy?

Another idea just came up for this skill too, maybe instead of dealing DoT, or maybe it can do just a small amount of DoT, or a lot for a very short while, I dunno, thats why i am posting this- maybe the skill could silence a mob, cant talk, cast spells, i mean come on, their throat is slit, they cant talk. That would help thiefs out with the mobs that have high lvl spells that can kill them in one hit.

This would be a pretty powerfull move, and I opened this thread saying thiefs dont get many remort skills, maybe this could do DoT and silence, and make it a higher level gen skill, like gen 5 lvl 40? or maybe gen 5 lvl 10 to give thiefs some help, since we dont get an in battle combat move, and make it more powerfull with lvl/gen. Maybe have a chance that you dont slit the mobs throat, but miss and hit their chest, or arm, thus not doing DoT or silencing them, just hurting them. And maybe if you miss the first time the mob can be ready for you? But if you miss I dont want to see the mob track you =p that would defeat the purpose of me complaining about mobs too hard to kill because they can see and track thiefs.

When you use the skill slide, the on screen text could look like this for the player: You slide north. You slit the throat of MOB / You miss and slash MOB's arm. You slide south.

And for the mob: There is a rustle from the south. You are slashed in the throat and cannot speak! The noise leaves south.

It isnt like you cant see them on scan.

Faithless Posted 20 Sep 2004

Also, I never said they couldnt be attacked by the mob. I posted there could be a chance of failure in which case it would start combat. And maybe the waitstate from the skill wont allow you to flee/retreat for a few rounds, thus most likely leaving the thief dead =p. Is that a fair tradeoff?

Jakezor Posted 21 Sep 2004

Why can't you accept the fact that thieves are balanced? Some classes level easier than otheres. Thief happens to be tougher because they have two of the most powerful moves in the game. Stun and backstab.

Faithless Posted 21 Sep 2004

Tougher because they have the 2 most powerfull moves in the game? Wouldnt that make them the easiest to level?

Heartsbane Posted 22 Sep 2004


Istari Posted 22 Sep 2004

I would like to point out that stun is no longer the powerful move it once was given the VERY long waitstate on it. Half the time these days, you stun a mob, and by the time the waitstate is over, its standing back up ready to kick your ass. Backstab I cant complain about much, although it also has a waitstate that seems a tad long IMO. What I mean by this is that if I were to sneak up behind someone, and backstab them with such force that they then fell to the ground, I should be able to move again (retreat out) long before they stand back up and start attacking me, but with the current waitstate, that rarely is the case. My char I am using as a reference is gen 3 lvl 45ish drow or elven i believe not sure though.


Jakezor Posted 22 Sep 2004

Tougher to level is what i meant

Faithless Posted 23 Sep 2004

Istari, it seems that you and I both like the thought of theives and thembeing upgraded for PvM. Even if it was little changes, like decreasing waitstates.

Istari Posted 23 Sep 2004

Nod Faithless, IMO, if the waitstates on those two skills are lessened a bit, it would help the class out quite a bit. Throat slice or whatever would be cool but I agree we thieves dont need another power move. Since it sounds like you are suggesting something to silence magic using mobs, perhaps a skill bind, which would work like this; Darkesoul sneaks in from the west. Darkesoul stuns Mob A with a swift blow! Darkesoul has bound and gagged Mob A! then the mob would take longer to regain its feet, and when it did it wouldn't be able to cast spells for say 1 or 2 rounds while it works to free it's self. The stronger a mob, the faster it frees itself shrug That way it does no actual physical damage?


Faithless Posted 23 Sep 2004

That would be pretty cool too, and maybe to give the thief a little more of an edge, they stay stunned when you are done gagging them since you really do didnt do much to wake em up? That way you arent stunning em, gagging em, getting in 2 rounds, and retreating, thats almost as ill effecient as stun/punch retreat.

Ezekal Posted 24 Sep 2004

How about a non-crappy choke? Like, you take a thing of fiber-wire and choke peopl from behind?

Jakezor Posted 24 Sep 2004

Ezekal, you mean like garotte, the mercenary skill? :p

Heartsbane Posted 24 Sep 2004

Yeah, or we could just give thieves an instant kill against anyone who uses a spell, or tries to stand up. Dont mean to sound like an ass, but giving thief a skill that made people not be able to stand up for longer, or be able to cast anything would make them far to powerful against mages in PK, it's a rad idea against mobs though…

Darkesoul Posted 28 Sep 2004

Oddly enough, I hadnt given it much thought on the pk side of things, but was specifically talking about mage mobs. I see your point though Heartsbane, and I somehow doubt there is any easy way to distinguish between waitstates vs mobs and not also against other players. -DS

Heartsbane Posted 28 Sep 2004


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