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Elemental Branding
Aconite Posted 11 Jan 2005

I'm not sure how many remort Rangers there are out there… but if anyone has used this spells knows it's rock'n spell. But in comparsion to how long it lasts, it sucks. It lasts maybe 5 rounds of combat. If that.

Repulse/Attract on the other hand lasts for a good amount.

I don't know how long Flame of Faith lasts, but I bet longer than elemental branding. And branding is a remort spell too.

I'd like to see this changed.


Elric Posted 12 Jan 2005

That doesn't seem unreasonable, have you asked higher gen remort rangers how long it lasts? I merely ask because I'm guessing your ranger isn't very high gen yet, and it's possible the duration increases with generation.

I personally think all spells duration should increase with generation. Not sure if they do or don't, but yeah anyway.

Aconite Posted 12 Jan 2005

Yeah, I've asked Xveterisasdfasdf, whatever his name is spelled. He's a gen 10 Ranger and it lasts only a couple minutes.

This definitly should be changed. I'm thinking a good half hour or something.


Merriam Posted 18 Jul 2005

I would also like to see this spell changed to last longer. In fact, repulse and attract sucks in terms of duration too. And they're both weaksauce at low gens anyway, so what's the harm?

C'mon. Lengthen the amount of time you can use em for, and reduce the mana cost of elemental branding.


Tereus Posted 26 Jan 2006

I have been playing with this spell for a bit now. I can gain alot of nice benefits from this spell however I agree it doesnt last very long. It would be fine if it didint cost so much mana to use though. Reduce its cost by half and keep the duration to what it is and I would use it more often. After I use elemental branding on 3 peices of eq and I'm already very very low on mana.

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