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Greater Psionic Shield
Brywing Posted 3 May 2005

I had some ideas that i thought i'd field

Greater Psionic Shield - there have been a bunch of ideas floating around for a psion defense or shield, i was thinking of a remort skill that would be a more powerful psionic shield in a nutshell. the attributes for this would be: 1) A new ability, like greater invis wouldn't just enhance the old shield, and would be a seperate effect in the score and show up when you look at someone. 2)The properties of the shield itself wouldn't affect psionic abilites because that is already covered well enough in the original shield for morts. 3)The shield would act as a barrier, sort of like an electrostatic field but blocks more often, but it also doesn't do damage to the opposing mob/player, they just bounce off of it harmlessly, 4) every time the shield gets hit the psionic loses a set amount of move points in concentration effort to keep the shield up, this is supported by the fact that the psionic should be a remort by the time they have this so they wont run out too soon and can use endurance to regen. but if they run out they'll be stuck without move and cant flee so it is a risk.

a powerful psionic should be able to move things with their mind or make barriers with their telekenetic ablities so this is in the classe's range.

please let me know any opinions on this.

Lysolchip Posted 10 May 2005

Sounds too much like mana shield, except replacing MP with VP.

Brywing Posted 11 May 2005

ah but it isn't because it, like electrostatic doesnt block all the time. and doesnt translate damage directly. i imagine it would take a set amount of move to keep the shield running, not variable on the damage dealt. or at least the extra damage would be less felt and still not translate in the same way.

maybe this shield could also be broken if enough damage was incurred at one time. a hard enough hit to punch through it and shatter it, because the effort to maintain the shield at that moment was too much. its like a concentration check :-)

Crescendo Posted 11 May 2005

Another problem I see existing with this, is the block rate. You say "have it work more often than electrostatic", as it is, electrostatic blocks a LOT, more than that would just be silly. The only reason electostatic can justify having such a high evade rate is that anyone on the mud can get prot lightning which just completely nulls electrostatic. Unless you have a trade off (say, have a check against the other person's save psi) then it would be an entirely unreasonable spell.

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