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Mirror Image Melody and/or Mirror Image Mind
Brywing Posted 17 May 2005

I was thinking how mirror image seems like a good psionic remort trigger maybe even a better one than being a bard song. Perhaps the spell could be changed to require a even higher gen such as a gen 8.

Bards do get better hp from what i've seen than psionics do. a gen 10 bard/phyz will have between 1200-1500 hp compare and a gen 10 psionic/phyz will have 800-1000 hp. (Essah hadn't broken 1k hp at last count and it looks like Brywing's hp will be similar) Crescendo to Essah. Or Redic to Essah. Melody to Essah, etc. there is a marked difference.

Once psionics reach a certain point in their telepathic development it is concievable that they could use a type of mirror image skill.

On the practical aspects, attaching the skill would not probably require undue effort because of the preexisting spell (I am not a coder, so this may be off). Mostly asthetics would be changed.

Such a spell would silence the need for a new psionic remort skill and assist the lacking psionic "to hit" defense.

Any feedback is appreciated. Thanks

Brywing Posted 17 May 2005

Mages = mana shield Physic = gauss shield Bard = Mirror image and dodge (though having both these is another post) Psionic = as Red puts it "Red projects, 'you guys have uh..psidrain :p'"

psionics really just lack a good preventitive defense, even psychic feedback (gen 3) is geared toward getting hit first and only does perhaps 30% on return and not nearly all the time. this combined with very low hp makes for a bad combo.

There is a very large lack of prime psionic players on the mud. perhaps this is because of the lack of staying power. there are no particularly applicable remort skills to look forward to and in terms of PvP the difference between the classes hp becomes more apparent when psiblast cant do the job like before. with psiblast's lag time most classes can stand up and kill them.

Rahvin Posted 17 May 2005

not every class needs a skill/spell that blocks attacks.s

Brywing Posted 17 May 2005

of course but i've just given a bunch of reasons why psionic does.

Kakarot Posted 18 May 2005

i dont think psionics need a shield type skill that blocks attacks…i think they just need better offensive skills…not stuff like confusion and things of that sort…they need more stuff like what mages and phyz and bards get…mabey an area spell, mabey another lesser offensive spell other then psiblast…and the other offensive spells that they do have are not that offective…

phyz has a powerful area spell and a powerful main attack spell along with a few other good offensive spells such as grav well and acidity and arc which is pretty powerful from what ive seen…

mage has alot of offensive spells and not all of them are top of the line but they are offective…they have alot of stuff but as with phyz im not to familiar with the class cause i havnt played with either class

bard as we all know is badass…they have everything you can ask for in a class…power, defence, offence, just an all around powerhouse :p

i personally just dont think that psionic needs anything such as a shield i just think they need more offective offensive weapons

Nevermore Posted 18 May 2005

Psions have nopain…

Dam redux is a hell of a lot better than a rebound shield.

Brywing Posted 18 May 2005

i'm mostly just throwing around psionic remort skill ideas. anything anyone can think of, please post here :-)

Nothing Posted 18 May 2005

Psions aren't about staying power as such. They are about completely screwing their opponent. That's why psions have so many trigger that don't help them directly, but instead lower their opponents stats.


Cast Posted 22 Mar 2006

well, since there's a psidrain, u can steal mana, why not have drain touch to drain hp? since psi doesn't have any healing spells and stuff like that.. they are mind travellers after all…

Tower Posted 22 Mar 2006

Psions do have cell regen and wound closure if they need health.

Tereus Posted 23 Mar 2006

Check out the psionic post, Bladewing has about 15 ideas for psionic. Anyone have some opinion on those? That post is one of the biggest ones on here. I know alot of interesting things were posted there…

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