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Psiblast question?
Dolza Posted 14 Jul 2005

Ok, so i was using psiblast the other day on some mob that had pris_sphere up. I had never thought of psiblast as a physical atk but i hit their sphere, several times.

Am i seeing this skill in the wrong light? Shouldn't this just be a mental atk that doesnt encounter things like pris sphere? i thought it would work like ego whip or vertigo, where you dont have to touch them for it work.

just my thoughts.


Reptile Posted 14 Jul 2005

I seen the same. Discharge does it as well. Woulda thought unleashing an electrical current from your fingertips as a non-physical attack. Maybe the help file definition of what psiblast or discharge has changed? dunno - am at work, and they're funny about letting me access anything over wierd ports

Merriam Posted 18 Jul 2005

Coders? Is this working as intended?

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