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Another couple barb remort skill ideas
Dreamscape Posted 13 Aug 2005

I didnt realize I would have no remorts kills to look foward to past gen 2. I was hoping some of these ideas would at least spark an interest.

  • Sharpen - Ability to add dam and or hit to weapons

  • Improved Berserk - More dam bonus or increased speed

  • A better heal based off of move

  • A skill that could perform a multiple mob knockdown

  • Since barbs tend to help people level, a rift type skill would be fun. Possibly called the rites of passage or something.

Just a few thoughts off the top of my head


Crescendo Posted 13 Aug 2005

That multiple knockdown sounds awesome, maybe have it work like chain lightning in that it only affects the mobs/players attacking the barb. Though personally, I think it'd be cool if barbs got an innate chance to knock down someone with each hit because the barb is supposedly hitting them so damn hard, make it low, around 1% I think is all thats needed. Also, I'm sure that this has been said a million times but barbs should really get damage reductions according to their gen, maybe only about 1% a gen. Reason being barbs may get more hp than any other class in the game, but their reductions are so low they die a lot faster than most.

Merriam Posted 13 Aug 2005

Berserk is a damage reducer. It's also quite superb, if you ask me. Are there any negatives to berserking?

Nay to the rift idea. It would be either magical, and barbs are not magical creatures.

Random knockdown and multiple knockdowns = cool idea!

Sharpen/hone – I think this is a ranger ability, myself. Cause I've always wanted it.


Caden Posted 15 Aug 2005

A sort of Greater-Berserk could be swank [same negatives]- Berserk as (it is now)a reducer, it's like dermal or lattice, kinda - ? + 8+ dam or so & some attack speed, it also "cast"rates (haha- get it?) [cas·trate ( P ) Pronunciation Key (kstrt) tr.v. cas·trat·ed, cas·trat·ing, cas·trates To remove the testicles of (a male); geld or emasculate. To remove the ovaries of (a female); spay. To deprive of virility or "spirit"(ual); emasculate. n. An individual who is incapable of reproduction as a result of removal, destruction, or inactivation of the gonads.] [Latin castrre, castrt-. See kes- in Indo-European Roots.]

-6 int, -6 wis - very much so does it have negatives, as anyone who has played a barbarian to full term, would probably love trade all the levels they went while berserk for an elven{/whatever you prefer} love slave from skullport, (omg the sex slave selection you could have - wow - i should allow plenty of room for that to fully wash over-

       -               no really                     -        


                        wow        )

takes a cold barbarian like shower

             *and another*                   

*and one more for good measure**

buys numerous bags of ice in shame just in case

– knocking a mob/player down from the sheer power of the blow, honestly sounds good, two_hander & lvl & gen, (crit hit like)

– possibly a jump retreat, that knocks mobs/players fighting the barb to the ground {does a jousting of the ground motion} as she/he/both/it retreats to a direction chosen by the barb, or sort of variant

Conan would definitely shout praise to Krom for that.. :D

Merriam Posted 17 Aug 2005

I am irreversibly more stupid having read what you wrote.

If there was anything intelligent, repost without all the dictionary and sex.


Caden Posted 17 Aug 2005


If you feel "irreversibly more stupid" - you should probably stop inhaling the nitrous oxide that you use to fill your inflatable sheep.

"Berserk is a damage reducer. It's also quite superb, if you ask me. **Are there any negatives to berserking?"

Translates roughly into - "Berserk is the bomb diggity, it's super-powerful, it rocks, no need to give any bump to it - but i know nothing about it"

3M - Mead, Meat, & Mating

"If there was anything intelligent, repost without all the dictionary and sex."

The jesuits in their infinate wisdom, often state the definition of a word in order to avoid confusion. The castration referece pertained to what berserk does to the cognative ability (memory, reasoning, learning ability, enlightenment, judgement, common sense, and intuition). Chances are if you didn't understand that post in it's first incarnation, you'll never get it.

Good day Sir

Merriam Posted 21 Aug 2005

Uhm, so castration doesn't have those affects, last I checked. Why else would a eunuch be assistants to the royal family to guard the women, or the castrati the best singers? You think you're being smart, but you're really not. And why did you put quotes around "cast"rates? That made me think it had something to do with magic, which it didn't concern in the least.

I understand the negative stat effects of berserk, but I was more asking other barbarians to put in their input about how they feel about those negatives (does it matter for a Barb/Borg?) and whether or not they scale.

Anybody have legitimate input for barbarians?


Caden Posted 22 Aug 2005


I am not a mind-reader. If you simply ask, "Are there any negatives to berserking" - it seems you are asking a question you do not know the answer to (didn't detect any sarcasim). The word cast was put into quotes indeed as a gentle poke at magiks (as humor). Having played barb extensivly (to 10th gen /and again to mid gen/ + various times as secondary barb) i've noticed their "cast"s are hurt from berserk (indeed a negative). As prime Barb, berserk on secondary Psionic/Mage/Physic/other "cast"ing class abilities are basically cut off and thrown into the garbage can (hence why i posted about greater berserk). Wis/Int matter for barb reguardless of secondary. (How many times have you leveled with berserk on and said, 'Awww Crap!'). Being berserk negativly affects a character's resistance to magical attack and how many life points they receive each level. It also touches combat effectiveness, and the ability to resist charm.

If i'm not being smart, what am i being? You seemed to completely ignore most of my points, and instead focus on personal attacks ("I am irreversibly more stupid having read what you wrote/If there was anything intelligent/Anybody have Legitimate imput"). Perhaps you feel i do not know enough about barbarian to have a valid oppinion/clue - that i am way too far out of my element to be taken seriously – or maybe even having remorted 183 times isn't enough to give a worldy perspective. shrugs

Good Day Sir

Merriam Posted 22 Aug 2005

Thanks for clarifying, Caden. I agree that berserk's negative affects should be lower, but I don't think they should be entirely erased–you are still in a rage, which deserves some type of negative.



Rahvin Posted 22 Aug 2005

and i cant meditate while berserk :(

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