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Implant change
Dolza Posted 5 Sep 2005

Hola everyone, I was wondering if anyone else had the new penalty for cross-aligned implants affect them yet?

This morning i killed one Neotzen too many and went good. As a monk this is problematic but easy to fix. However, just after the mob died and my align went to good….3 of my implants burned their way out of my body!? Earlier in the day i wondered how my muscle stim had gotten out…i just thought maybe i had forgotten to implant it, but it burned out too.

I understand that it's necessary to have a penalty if you're wearing eq or implants that don't fit your align. Usually it burns you and pops off, no big deal. Having implants burn their way out of my body on, on the other hand, is a very costly penalty. For blowing my align by 5 points, i've cost myself 4 life points and the cash it will take to reimplant.

Is this a little steep or is this what was intended? Perhaps some other sort of punishment could be discerned? What if the implants stayed in but burned you from the inside until you could correct your alignment? Burning inside your body could damage the person wearing it and/or damage the implant itself. This would give someone like me time to fix my alignment quickly so as not to kill myself or ruin the implant.

Thanks for your time, Dolza

Merriam Posted 5 Sep 2005

I agree that this change is quite unfair, but many gen 10s assured me this was quite a fine solution. However, they have infinite resources (just load more implants / just buy another damn or bless to fix it / make them all the same alignment, namely, evil, since it's easier to stay evil / buy an ambrosia from someone for 2-3mill / buy an implant ticket / etc). I think that was an unreasonable response.

I believe that the current addition should be changed. As it stands, if you have a damned implant and go good: You are damaged for substantial hitpoints. The implant is reduced to 50% of maxdamage, which upon repair further lowers maxdamage. You have to reimplant the implant later, at a cost of lifepoints, credits, an ambrosia, implant tickets, or paying another cyborg.

I think the rule should be changed as follows: The implant damages you per tick as a result of your alignment.

If the immortals wish to keep the current method of implants popping out: The implant should burn through, hurting the implanted person, but not damaging the implant. If it burns through, how should the implant be affected in the process? It's the magic of the item burning through, not the metal or adamantium or silicon.

This further brings into question whether implants should be damaged upon death at all. Does flesh decaying affect them any more than a normal body's processes?

Food for thought. I'd especially like to hear from coders.

Narcissus Posted 6 Sep 2005

I never really got the rotting corpses damaging implants thing.

That said I think the implants taking damage from burning out of you actually makes more sense than the rotting thing. You're half right, in that the bless/damn is the cause. The cause is actually the conflict of alignment between the item, and yourself. It's that conflict that is actually damaging you, and, a conflict needs 2 sides. If it's damaging one side, it makes sense that it would be also damaging the other side.

I would say that the implants burning out is a bit abrupt considering the damage done. Perhaps if you havn't had your alignment fixed in two or three tics I can see damage accumulating to justify them burning out.

For the sake of consistancy, I think it's safe to say a skilled surgeon carefully inserting an implant is going to be less damaging to you than these implants being violently ejected from your body. However, being surgically implaned or extracted drops hp and vit down to 1, whereas the violent ejection has substantially less impact on hp, and none to vit that I'm aware of.
So, it would follow to reason, with the less damage, it shouldn't be popping out right away. Or, set the ejection to drop the player's hp and vit down to one. I'm happy with either :)

Merriam Posted 6 Sep 2005

Or base damage and eruption on the difference between the alignment the person should be (at least -349 for blesses or 349 for damns) and what alignment they are. For example, if you have a DAMNED bone reinforcement and you get to 355, not a big deal. 400 though, and you're hurting. 450+ alignment and it blows up.


Rahvin Posted 10 Sep 2005

I love how you people talk about 'Gen 10's thinking its fine', and bitching because we/they can pop eq, implants, and money run. So, are you proposing that a mortal can do everything that a gen 10 can? Because if thats what you think, your SOL. People worked to get to gen 10, they should be able to obtain the benefits.

Brywing Posted 12 Sep 2005

I'm not even gen 10 and i still agree with Rahvin. Gen 10s worked very hard to get where they are. They deserve a break and some benefits.

Dolza Posted 12 Sep 2005

Ok guys, not to piss anyone off but when did this thread become about gen 10s and their ability to get things or not?

I dont really think Gen has anything to do with the 'cost' of replacing implants. It still takes life points and credits to get them put back in. Are some things easier for a gen 10 sure….but they've worked long and hard for that.

thanks dolza

Dolza Posted 12 Sep 2005

Ahh, i see what Merriam was meaning in his post now. It seems that many gen 10s told him the current solution was fine becuse it was easy for them, the gen 10s, to replace their implants. I think this is a particularly bad way to look at the problem. i mean, some things are easier for gen 10s but they dont make up the majority of the mud population. The problem is much more harsh for the lower gen folks. Shouldn't we ask everyone about a solution to a problem, not just the most powerful people?

Timeless Posted 12 Sep 2005

I kind of like the fact that it is another 'penalty' for being neutral. I think it's too much of a benefit being neutral nowadays, with too few downsides. This just makes it more attractive to be the same alignment as the equipment/implants.

My 2 random bits.

Dolza Posted 12 Sep 2005

So characters like monks and bards should be penalized for keeping to their alignment? Several classes have the choice to be good or evil and take the benefits and downsides that go with it. As a monk i have no choice. If i'm not neutral none of my skills work.

How does liking or not liking the implant penalty address the problem i asked in the first post? Is the penalty for not keeping your alignment, good, evil, or neutral too harsh?

Merriam Posted 13 Sep 2005

A neutral person should care not about alignment, and indeed that's the case. Rather, when they become good, their soul objects to the damned object in their body, or when they become evil their soul objects to the blessed object.

I'm not objecting to the idea, I'm objecting to the way it was implemented.

My post was never about gen 10s. It was about a bunch of cyborgs and high gens on at the time saying, "Deal, little boy." So I thought, "Hey, perhaps I could post it on realm." Somehow for you, Rahvin, everything's an attack on generation 10 players when that is not how I intend it.

I have been gen 10 many times, and it's no small task. I agree it should come with rewards.

Clincher: fix this new idea so that it isn't so ridiculously negative. Again, the idea of allowing a few "ticks" for the problem to occur, or the idea of making it a more extreme alignment would better reflect the nature of what's happening.


Rahvin Posted 17 Sep 2005

"I agree that this change is quite unfair, but many gen 10s assured me this was quite a fine solution." How is that not supposed to be an attack on gen 10's? To paraphrase, that is saying: "Gen 10's have it easier then everyone else and i dont like it."

Oh wait, i forgot, your always right and im always wrong.

Merriam Posted 17 Sep 2005

Again, it wasn't an attack on gen 10s. I'm sorry you feel that way, Rahvin.


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