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Vocational thoughts
Narcissus Posted 18 Oct 2005

Maybe I'm alone in this, but it's been a thought that pops up in my mind every now and then, and this time I figured why not post it.

Does anybody else feel like a character should be able to change their primary class? Obviously I don't mean on a whim, but perhaps when remorting, you can have the option of changing your primary class, instead of picking up a secondary. This ofcourse would mean you would spend that gen as a single class, same as a mortal. However you would keep your character's improved attributes, assuming you took the time to improve them.

This would certainly benifit those players who simply don't have alot of time to spend on tempus, leveling up a handful of mortal multies in order to try out different combinations. Should for example a new player make a borg, and then remort them monk. Then while playing their borg/monk they realize they really like monk, but don't particularly care for borg, maybe they like borg/monk but wish they were instead monk/borg for remort skills or whatever the reason may be. Instead of making a new character with the ruefull mortal stats, they could go gen 2 as a primary monk. (Perhaps they would remain gen 1 so they're not jumping right into gen 2 monk remort stuff) Then on gen 3 they could pick up a new secondary class.

You're character's class(s) are basically just your character's job(s), I see no reason why a character should be "locked in" to their primary career they created with.

Another thought I've had for a while is pure classing. For example, a mage remorting as a mage, or a knight remorting as a knight. I think this would open up some nice new opportunity for some new variety on Tempus. "Where's the variety in a mage/mage?" Okay good point, but hear me out. When a character is of two different classes, they have two different vocations of study they need to put their energies into, they could be similar like a knight/barb, or they could be very different like a mage/merc. Reason follows that when you are forced to divide your energy into studying two disciplines both are going to suffer a bit compared to someone who focuses all of their time and attention into only one discipline. There can be more powerful spells available to the cleric who is devoted entirely to their diety (cler/cler), spells that would not be available to the cleric who spends some time in devotion to their diety, and some time in devotion unto their self (cler/psi - as psionics is a completely inward focused skill, whereas the cleric is given his/her abilites by his/her god/goddess, an external force). The same could be said for the militant classes and their skills with weaponry, how much more refined and deadly could they be when they're not distracted with dabbling in the arcane or whathaveyou. The higher gen pure mages may be able to land even more powerful enchantments, or tap into an offensive spell so mighty that it ignores the victim's resistances (read: save_spell for half damage). The pure psionisist could tap into the realm of telekenetics, moving things large (doors, containers… cows) and small (the molecules of their victims.. liquifing solids, or simply jiggling them to make heat like your microwave).

The potential here for some really neat and powerful abilities, that I think we've all had for various classes, can be brought to fruition.

Your balance lies in the fact that you must sacrifice the very handy trait of having a complete second class full of abilities, potentially very complimentary abilities as is with the current list of populary class combinations.

That is all, thanks. -Narc.

Narcissus Posted 21 Oct 2005

I'm a little surprised. Nobody has a thought one way or the other?

Kitano Posted 21 Oct 2005

I don't know if the idea of changing primary class is the best. A lot of the strongest classes are really hard to play low level. Say I make a Cyborg or Barb, who are relatively easy to level with their high hp and strong attacks, and once I hit gen 3, I change to mage with manashield. Finally, once I hit gen 10, I change to thief, giving me a powerful PKer. I think this would do a lot to imbalance the game, as NO ONE would play low level caster classes.

Having the same secondary as primary, however, I think is a great idea. It really does make sense that we should be able to do this. Double-remort skills and spells….drool…. Maybe for this, benefits would be greatly enhanced, but the detriments would be equally bad. For example, a psion would have a super charged psiblast, but 100 less hp than normal. Barbs would hit 2000 hp, but intelligence would be virtually 0. This would take a lot of code, and a LOT of balance issues would need to be resolved, but it seems like a neat idea. If you REALLY like being a monk, and hate everything else, why not be able to become a super monk?

Merriam Posted 23 Oct 2005

Yeah, that was my thought–that you could level an "easy" class and get the rewards of a "hard" class.

Narcissus Posted 24 Oct 2005

True enough Kitano & Merriam. I've been thinking about the primary class thing in reguards to your concerns, and I really can't come up with any decent way to allow primary class change without it creating french doors for abuse.

I've been thinking about the pure class thing for a few years now and I've always thought it could be pretty cool. I'm glad to see I'm not the only one. I would however like to hear some more people's thoughts on it?

Acid Posted 26 Oct 2005

Psion having 100 less hp than normal would leave most psions in single or double digit hp. Which I'm all for, I like stabbing squishing things.

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