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YAMT (Yet another Merc Thread)!!!
Darkesoul Posted 25 Feb 2006

Knowing that Mercenaries have very few remort skills, I thought this one might be neat for them, if it is even codable.(sp?)

Mercs are often asked to rescue people, kill people, or retrieve items. That is what they get paid to do right? IRL at any rate.

If they had a mid-gen (somewhere between gen 5 -gen 7) "Hunt" skill that allowed them to track down any of these types of things, they could use it to track down prey, or an item. It could work as a cross between track and psilocate, where it would give you the general idea of where the person or item is at assuming you are even on the same plane with them/it. I.E. Hunt would reveal that is 16 rooms to the north and 3 rooms to the west). It would only last for a few ticks and then you would have to re-acquire your target person or item again. It should probably cost move points to initially acquire the target, and due to the high concentration needed to perform this, could cost mana each time they type Hunt as well.

Besides hunting for a pk target what would this be good for?

1) Finding a new player who has wandered out of modrian and has no light. They tend to do this occasionally! 2) Finding exactly which one of the thousands of devils in any level of hell has an item near and dear to their heart looted from someones corpse who is willing to pay a Merc to find it. 3) Exploration of an area that is new to that player. (Assuming they have the name of a specfic mob or item in said zone) 4) Would make the Snipe skill lonely no longer on the remort skill list!! hehe

Thoughts etc?

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