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Sneak Skill
Darkesoul Posted 25 Feb 2006

As I understand it, people who are actively "sneaking" are doing their best to go totally unnoticed in whatever zone that they are in, (not necessarily just versus mobs) with varying degrees of success depending on how good they actually are at the sneak skill right?

That being the case, if I am correct in my previous thought, if a player is sneaking, could we please have it so that there is at least a percentage chance that the sneaking player does not show up on who -zone? The level that a player has the skill practiced to could determine the likelihood of them actually not showing up on who-zone, or any player who types score and sees you are sneaking (successfully)would not show up on who-zone, either way would be fine with me personally.

Thoughts etc?

Kitano Posted 26 Feb 2006

I like it. It can also work for infiltrate, and hide too!

Nevermore Posted 26 Feb 2006

That sort of defeats the purpose of who zone, don't you think?

Tereus Posted 27 Feb 2006

I have to agree with Nevermore on this one….

Narcissus Posted 27 Feb 2006

I say get rid of who zone alltogether. Who time can go too.

Kitano Posted 27 Feb 2006

Well, if it only works maybe 50% of the time at gen 10, it won't let people sneak in completely, especially since most people spam who zone. What it might do is buy the killer a few extra seconds to find their target in the zone.

Nervegas Posted 28 Feb 2006

Dude, if someone wants you dead, as long as they are resonably decent at pk, your daed.. I most killers rely on sneak for sneaking up on someone.

Cast Posted 6 Mar 2006

I think the skill would be more expensive to learn if it's that good, and it might have to be make in to a romort skill

Darkesoul Posted 8 Mar 2006

I will agree with Nevermore that Sneak perhaps does not fit the bill of being able to go unnoticed in a zone. I will have to say however that the Merc skill infiltrate, sounds ready made for not showing up on who-zone since they are trying to infiltrate said zone. This is assuming that they got a successful message that they are indeed infiltrating. I would have no problem whatsoever with infiltrate becoming a remort skill for Mercs then. And for the record I do not have a char who is a Merc.

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