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Retrieve Corpse
Nuitari Posted 19 Aug 2006

So it has recently come to my attention that clerics cannot retrieve their own corpse. This is bull. The spell is essentially useless to a cleric. It should either allow them to retrieve their own corpse or they should get the spell at a much lower level.

Storm Posted 19 Aug 2006

I tend to agree. I remember the first time that I played a cleric, and was so psyhced to get up to level 47 (I think that's what level you get that spell) so that I could retrieve my own corpse if I needed to. I found out, that, in fact, I couldn't. If it isn't possible to allow clerics to retrieve their own corpses, I would propose dropping the skill down into the 20s, so that new players can use it to help out other new players when they die.

Narcissus Posted 25 Aug 2006

Hear hear

Tereus Posted 30 Aug 2006

Awesome post. I agree 100%. Why not make two types of this spell. retrieve corpse could be moved to level 20 instead of level 48. and greater retrieve corpse could be created for a remort cleric spell. This would allow a cleric to retrieve his own corpse. Smaller newbie clerics could help other newbies out this way.

Cast Posted 30 Aug 2006

i don't really see the point of this spell… retrievers are there for a reason, and ppl usually have more than enough money to spend on retrieving. and newbies usually gets donations from the big guys. so they will have enough money as well. and retrieving isn't even that expensive. a few hundred thousand tempus gold is not gonna make u declear tempus bankruptcy.(i don't have a dictionary i'm sorry)

Narcissus Posted 31 Aug 2006

Well ideally, you have a substantial playerbase, and then you get rid of the mob retrievers. A mud where you can actually have more usefullness than killing stuff or be an assistant to killing stuff is more dynamic and more fun. So it has it's uses, just not how it's implemented right now, and not with the current environment. But think of the big picture! :D

Lysolchip Posted 1 Sep 2006

I think the big thing that no one's mentioned about clerics being able to retrieve their own corpses is the impact on pkill. If a player can retrieve their own corpse, that may significantly reduce the time that a pkiller has time to loot your corpse. Essentially, after you die, all you need to do is push "Enter", then hit your alias to cast retrieve corpse. No need to withdraw money and no need to get to the retriever. I might be wrong, but I think those precious few seconds or milliseconds would make clerics very difficult to loot.

Brywing Posted 1 Sep 2006

Maybe this spell the way lysol described it could be a good cleric only spell. Thus balancing out good clerics vs evil clerics a little more by giving a good cleric a spell that helps them or others avoid extensive looting, of course they have to have mana for the spell… so if they die with no mana they're still in the same fix.

Makes sense for just good clerics to have such a spell because of the devotion to protection, helping others and healing.

Narcissus Posted 1 Sep 2006

A neat possible idea for higher gen good aligned clerics might be a retrieve spell that you cast on a player before they die, and during the duration of the spell, should the player die outside of arena and Deathtraps (damage traps is debatable) , their corpse is transported to their loadroom or perhaps just stuck in their inventory would be better. This spell would not be castable on yourself becuase that would be just a little bit too nice.

Cast Posted 1 Sep 2006

how about reviving you on the spot, cuz sometimes, pkillers type examine corpse when they killed u, so when u come back alive, u can recall back to safety.

and maybe the spell should have a duration, and it should only revive u at a random single digit hp. so if u got poisoned…

and how about "only castable on self" and u can only cast it a certain amount of times depending on the amount of tempus hours played after learing the spell.

Deneb Posted 2 Sep 2006

I like Narc's first idea about getting rid of the retrievers. Perhaps only allowing newbies or morts to use the retriever. Yes, yes? Narc's second idea about casting it on someone else so that their corpse is in their inventory once they die, I think this would cause too much of a 'need to get a good cleric' and also cause some anxiety among those who don't have it on. Get what I mean?

Narcissus Posted 5 Sep 2006

Yeah I can see the need to get a good cleric thing. Although with the restriction to the number of characters an account can have, if someone didn't otherwise care to play a good cleric, would it be enough to make one, take up one of your character slots, and gen it up high enough to get that spell, only so that you can cast it on your buddies? By the by, to tease the though a bit further. The spell effect would end when the cleric logged off or died. I would even prefer the effect only function when the cleric is in the group and in proximity… (in the zone?) But I know my sentiments on how to do things aren't shared by most and I don't think the group/proximity thing is integral to the reasonability of the effect anyhow. Have the cleric alive/logged on however is.

About the pkill thing. Eh, not really. Yeah in theory, but not in real life (Haha, Tempus, real life). Almost everybody in the game is in a clan, I havn't been in all the clans but of those I have been in they -All- had their retrievers and money handlers right when you jump in your clan recall item, which sits on the floor of your house, you get the idea. (Mind you, if you don't have these things available to you, chances are you don't have stuff people are gonna pkill and loot you for so the proposed scenario doesn't apply to them and thbbt to anybody who wanted to bring that up)

I guess the real question is, why do clerics have it now. Does it add anything to the game, if not, why is it still in or can it be tweaked in a reasonable way so that it does add to the game. I'm also all about getting rid of alot of stuff but we really need alot more of a playerbase for that to be reasonable.

Tereus Posted 14 Sep 2006

Lets not make a simple spell out of control here. I do like some of the ideas brought forth. On another post someone said good clerics are a rock soild class. I agree that a good cleric is a great class however I think skills and spells should be created to benefit the mud in the best ways possible. Think of it in terms if there were to be a wipe again. All spells/skills should consider the idea of starting over. What I mean is, if a spell is devolped now, it could have a total result and impact or meaning in how it would be used if the mud would wipe.

Good clerics should be able to retreive their own corpses and the corpses of others. Just a very nice addition and original spell for good clerics that no one else could do.

Elric Posted 15 Sep 2006

You make no mention of the holy symbol requirement…

Unless something has changed drastically in the time I've been away, evil clerics and knights are the holy divine classes that do not require holy symbols once they achieve soulessness.

So yet another thing about retrieve corpse is it requires you to keep a holy symbol in your house to quickly pick up and wear to cast the spell; and if you don't have a house? Better get running to the good cleric trainer son!

Tereus Posted 20 Sep 2006

Yea, I agree with Elric. To retrieve a corpse you need a holy symbol. Great point. I see the spell being an awesome addition to good clerics.

Storm Posted 21 Sep 2006

The place you go to buy a holy symbol is like 5 rooms away from where you go to retrieve, not even. Holy symbols available at the guild cost anywhere from 110 to 120 of what it costs to retrieve your corpse.

I think what I'm getting at is that it would be just as fast to run (all of five rooms) to your guild and pick up a holy symbol to use to retrieve your corpse, and it would be quite a bit cheaper. I don't see requiring a holy symbol to cast this spell as a horrible disadvantage.

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