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More discussion on bards.
Deneb Posted 4 Oct 2006

For those who have played a bard past "mid gen" ,or is in the progress of, are bards any fun to play?

I mean, I know they're well-versed in their assortment of skills and songs. It seems to me that they're lacking in the originality department. Yes, the song lyrics are unique and very cool as well as a few skills/songs, but most of them are just a copy of other spells/skills. They have psiblast, fission, uncanny dodge, group heal, telekinesis, flight, sneak, steal, quantum rift (all just different names). Do these things actually work in accordance with each other? Or do bards just have a large selection of random stuff to choose from?

Red Posted 5 Oct 2006

Bards have quantum rift and group heal now?

Nevermore Posted 6 Oct 2006

Truthfully, this post has a serious lack of facts and a whole lot of conjecture, guesswork, and I believe you even pulled some of it out of your ass. :) <3

Bards are very unique. Granted, a couple of their spells/skills are almost identical to other classes… but all classes share some skills/spells with other classes. A good portion of the skills or spells can be found in other classes, but are changed to a major degree in one way or another to be functional and unique to the bard class alone. Sometimes that twist is that it's a group spell, sometimes it's something like chant of light not only giving light, it gives protection from cold too. While there are several similarities, the bard class is truly unique.

I'll address a couple of your mistakes, but I'm not going to sit here and take all of the fun away from the bard mystery.

Bards do not, in any way, shape, or form, have psiblast. Scream can not be called psiblast anymore than it can be called kick or backstab or anything of the like. Just because its a high damage attack does not make it equal to another high damage attack in any way save that it does a lot of damage. The type of attack is not the same. The resistance to the attack is not the same. There are no other similarities.

Furthermore, Bards are group support, that is known, but they have unique things like sonic disruption! How cool is it that you can cause someone's possessions to explode in their inventory? Wall of sound!! Cutting off an exit entirely! And lichs lyrics… tres bien!

Next time, if you're curious… just play the effin' class!

Deneb Posted 6 Oct 2006

Sure, I am ignorant of the class. Yeah, I posted some false information about bards. But, I didn't try to teach anyone about the class. I should educate myself, but I'm too lazy to do that and I like to play the current classes I've made. That's why I asked those who have played a bard whether or not they think bards were well constructed.

So if I ever become curious about a class, questions are completely ruled out now?

Nevermore Posted 7 Oct 2006

Jesus Effin H Christ on rubber crutches!!

Of all the people on these realms, I expected you to be able to take an effin' joke.

Deneb Posted 7 Oct 2006

I didn't know you were joking. And, I'm not the Deneb that you know and love on Tempus. This is Deneb with an accent over the first 'e'. Totally different. Please don't hate the real Deneb for this.

Nevermore Posted 8 Oct 2006

Notice the smiley and heart at the beginning!!!!!!

Venom Posted 11 Oct 2006


Cast Posted 16 Oct 2006

well… if u look at the heart up side down…

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