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New Cyborg Thread
Venom Posted 11 Oct 2006

Everyone knows and can agree that all of the classes on tempus could use some extra things to make the class non boring. With this in mind I thought I would create a couple original ideas and in addition to this, add to some of the cyborg skills that are not implemented or could be in the best interest to the cyborg class. Prime cyborg was never very potent not to mention more people use the cyborg class for a secondary class. I personally think this is sad because tempus was built for both the past and future. The cyborg class should be something considered to play, but most quit the class after a few gens because there is no benefits besides being able to implant someone.

Some Ideas:

level 7 (gen 8) Omnidirectional Absorption Field - Highly experienced cybernetic entities have developed a method of activating a omnidirectional abortion field. The cyborg has a increased ability to absorb all types of energy and damage, including magic, and magnetic. The absorption field affects do not have a timed duration, but last until the program is broken or the cyborg reaches a critical internal damage point. Physical attacks can never be absorbed by a cybernetic entity.

level 11 (mortal) Reconfigure - Reconfigure is a skill for cyborgs to increase move points and hit points by lowering mana points. Reconfigure works on a percentage basis and can never increase more then 100% in one area. If a cyborg has 100 hit points, 100 mana points, and 100 move points and reconfigures 50% it will end up with 125 hit points, 50 mana points, and 125 move points.

I was trying to think of a knockdown skill for a cyborg. I could not think of anything that other classes to not have so I thought about why not have discharge have a chance to knockdown the target. Keep it exactly the same just add a chance to knockdown the target from the sure shock of the discharge much in the way ego whip works. I would think discharge however because of the damage difference between the two should only land a knockdown 60% of the time compared to a ego whip.

IMO a advanced regeneration skill would also be awesome. Or maybe just an advanced self repair as a remort skill. Either way it has to be a remort skill so secondary borgs can not obtain it.

Brywing Posted 12 Oct 2006

omnidirectional abortion field?!

Brywing Posted 12 Oct 2006

sorry to distract I just was laughing too hard to not. "Highly experienced cybernetic entities have developed a method of activating a omnidirectional abortion field"

Narcissus Posted 13 Oct 2006

One type of energy and damage from a single direction you mean…

Nevermore Posted 14 Oct 2006

rofl… that is a great (and disgusting) typo…

Venom Posted 16 Oct 2006

lol misspelling is fun! Look up the words and it will make sence. Narc knows what it is.

Deneb Posted 17 Oct 2006

Where's the typo?

Eternal Posted 18 Nov 2006

Advanced Regeneration - The part of the cyborg that is human sometimes may need regeneration. The cyborg parts of the char. produce regeneration to its flesh parts. Thus creating advanced regeneration. It would be a form of regeneration, however a little bit faster. This operation requires maxmove to be lowered up to 10% and last as long as the cyborg is damaged.

Mindless Function - Once a cyborg reaches a certain level more and more cybernetic fuctions take over the mind. The cyborg becomes more machine with a negative effect to wisdom. A postive effect would be considered when attacks to the cyborgs mind are engaged. Save verse psi, phys, and spell are enhanced based on the cyborgs level.

Cast Posted 19 Nov 2006

Fatal Instant: (Gen 5-6 Level 40-45)

this skill will cause the cyborg to reduce it's hp and max hp down to 50% but able to deal double the amount of damage (sort of like quad damage, but double damage) when this skill is combined with a ranger secondary, it will also increase the chance of a critical hit. this skill can only be used when the cyborg has more than 75% of it's max hp. the duration of this skill would be around the same length as the mage's empower.


Ezrin Posted 21 Nov 2006

Hmm I kinda like Mindless Function. I would say a nice bonus to save verse psi but penalty to save verse phyz. Phyz spells should hit machinery hard than flesh (My opinion anyway) I don't know about save verse magic shrug I'd say no change. In addition I'd say positive psi spells would also be negatively effected. Nopain and wound closure would work at diminished capacity. Cool idea though.


Deneb Posted 22 Nov 2006

I don't like the fact that they're all passive skills. The theme may fit, but borgs already have a bunch of passive skills as is. Though, I think it is hard to get away from the idea. Now, here're some thoughts or questions:

"level 7 (gen 8) Omnidirectional Absorption Field "

So instead of taking damage from a lightning bolt, would the borg take the reverse effect? (Gain hp when bolted?) Or is it damage reduction from magic and the like? The description just wasn't very clear.

"level 11 (mortal) Reconfigure"

I think it's good, and I have nothing profound to say about it.

About a knockdown for borg. It'd be nice to have one for them, but it'd also be nice to have a strong class whose strengths reside in skills that don't knockdown. Let's not turn them into monks. I also think nanite is already a cool form of advanced regeneration.

"Advanced Regeneration"

Why not? Well, self repair should suffice. Although it will help them, I just don't like that there would be another regen out there.

"Mindless Function"

Cool. But it should be innate if not already. I mean, if weakness to lightning is innate why can't they be born with strength against psions and some other crap.

"Fatal Instant: (Gen 5-6 Level 40-45)"

If this is activate/deactivate like I think you meant it to be, then it'd be a bit too strong. I strongly believe that double damage is too much, even for the hp loss. Perhaps half of that for half the price.

Eternal Posted 26 Nov 2006

I can agree with most of the things you said, however giving the cyborg class a knockdown will hardly make them anywhere near a monk. Monks can use pinches, cyborgs have nothing to lower stats on targets. Monks can stun, cyborgs can not stun, or sleep anything. Monks have about 35-45 speed so I think and cyborgs have what 5-10 speed? So giving a cyborg a knockdown skill would only make the class a little more interesting and easier to play. I currently think cyborg is only good to second class as a barbarian or monk, and we all know why.

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