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Sigh Posted 20 Oct 2003

how about we use this skill to REBOOT other borgs?

Sigh Posted 20 Oct 2003

or do it like this : RECONFIGURE offense/defense reconfigure offense will activate all programs except for defensive posturing

reconfigure defense will activate all programs except for offensive posturing

jus my 2 cents

Cest Posted 20 Oct 2003

maybe reconfigure could convert the borg's move and mana to hp and vice versa.

or borgs could reconfigure themselves to get move points from lightning bolts(well assuming it survives it), since i dont see why the borg cant just take some energy from the bolt and store it in its internal batterys.

Gazoo Posted 25 Oct 2003

ya, i like the idea of a borg using reconfigure to adjust moves/hits/mana… or maybe they could just reconfigure their mana and divide it to moves/hits… u can pick the %. like reconfigure 50 would split your mana up 50% to hits and 50%to moves… if this happens i think reconfigure should be a remort skill… maybe gen 5+

just some late night thoughts! gaz

Heartsbane Posted 29 Oct 2003

Being one of the only prime borgs on the game, i figured i should put in my say.

I like Gazoo's idea bout being able to "reconfigure 50" and adjust how much you convert and such. Borg also really needs some remort skills, and I happen to have a few idea's.

Robotic Conversion: Cyborgs can have a special surgery performed on them, allowing them to have most human properties removed. Up to 90% robotic (maybe how much you convert could depend on gen?), a borg could hit harder, and maybe feel less pain. This skill could somewhat resemble evil clerics/knights going "soulless"

ok maybe only one idea but maybe more later

Cest Posted 30 Oct 2003

But wouldnt being more metal just make you more conductable? And wouldnt emp and attraction totally screw up borgs if they are like almost all metal?

Attraction should probably do some hard drive damage to the borg since putting a magnet next to your hard drive would totally screw it up, and emp would most likely "stun" most of the borg if that much chips and metals were inside the borg.

Although it would be something that i can see possible, besides the borgs in fail are like 70%(?) metal(from the description).

Rothdyn Posted 30 Oct 2003

So you know Soulless does have some negatives. As should this robotic conversion. If you become less and less human shouldn't you then recieve less and less lifepoints since you are more mechanical than living? Just a thought.


Heartsbane Posted 30 Oct 2003

Yeah, it should have some negatives i donno about the life points, but the borg should be even more weakened to lightning bolt etc.

Seven Posted 1 Nov 2003

I could totally dig robotic conversion, but borgs are cool as it is. I mean, do all classes need something like soulless? I think it would be cool if we could get an "adaptation" skill. I would like to open it up to discussion and hear some ideas.

In Star Trek, the borgs would be able to adjust their personal shields to withstand energy attacks of ranging force.

I could see it here being damage reduction toward spells and alterations.

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