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Robot Regurgitation
Deneb Posted 23 Jul 2007

If cyborgs can break an object down and assimilate it, could they reassemble it? It'd be cool if my borg could get whatever item I assimilated back (just a little worn in the durability department). Maybe it's asking for too much, but assimilates don't last very long and items that are good for assimilation are better off worn as equipment. Okay, not all items are as such; but most items are this way.

Gen 8 program, mid level (after assimilate). Must be activated like offensive posturing. Item will be returned after affects wear off and adds extra waitstate when affects wear off.

Sound good?

Eternal Posted 25 Jul 2007

I like the idea but it does seem a little far fetched. I'm not 100% sure on how it works but why not just assimalte eq laying around like a long sword for a quick +1 or 2damroll?

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