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Cyborg remort skill idea
Deneb Posted 11 Oct 2007

Here it is:

Applied Discharge Enhancement (ADE) Gen 6, Level 35-38

Allows the cyborg to emit a discharge by chance upon a successful attack but draining more movement points than normal in order to reduce the cooling period. Discharge level can only be set at half of normal "safe" level.

Note The skill is activated and uses 100 movepoints to remain activated and becomes a toggle (much like mana shield) to set the discharge level. Once activated, there will be a chance, dependent on gen and level, when the cyborg performs a regular attack to discharge! The discharge itself will be a normal discharge as if you were to enter the command yourself but with 4x the usual amount of moves drained and half the waitstate.

For example: you enter =>activate applied discharge enhancement =>toggle you see "ADE [0]" =>ade 10 you see "ADE [10]" =>attack troll you get a round with 5 attacks on the troll and you chance upon discharging once and you drain 40 movepoints and gain 1 second(?) waitstate as opposed to the normal 2 second(?) waitstate a discharge 10 would normally impose.

As you can see, this can deliver considerable damage if you happen to discharge a lot or it can not help you at all, but it can also deplete your movepoints rather quickly. I posted this idea because I see this worthy for consideration as the skill synergizes with borg's fast attacks, speed, and need for move points.


Tereus Posted 11 Oct 2007

I like it and at the same time would like to add something to the idea. When you normally discharge it should also give a chance to knock down from the electrical shock. Since the borg now knows a greater advanced discharge when he uses it why not have a chance to knock down. Maybe a 25% chance or something like psionics ego whip. The waitstate should also stack if you already discharge a knocked down mob/player like a hiptoss or shoulderthrow.

Deneb Posted 12 Oct 2007

If this were to be implemented the way it is, and I really hope not, then I don't think the knock down portion should be added. The damage can already be great, discharging once more is even better. Therefore, the use for discharge is still useful and definitely not outdated by implementing the remort skill in question.

After thinking it over, I think the damage can be too good. It should be altered.

I agree on the waitstates stacking.

Acid Posted 16 Jan 2008

To add to the improvement of Borgs, I'd like to ask why assimilation is limited by class and alignment, isn't the whole point of assimilating something making it fit into a particular category from a discreetly differently category?

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