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Random phyz spells
Crescendo Posted 17 Apr 2008

Was just munching over something thatd help make prime phyz a little more cool…

Kinetic Barrier- A kinetic barrier surrounds the phyz, absorbing attacks and converting them in to kinetic energy, the more attacks absorbed the harder it is for the phyz to maintain the barrier. After a short period the energy absorbed by the barrier disperses.

What this means- think of it as an electrostatic field, except every time it blocks an attack, it consumes some of the phyz's mana, the more attacks absorbed, the more mana is consumed per attack absorbed. Ex, 1 attack is blocked by the barrier, 10 mana is consumed, after that another attack is blocked, this time 20 mana is consumed, a third attack would then cost the phyz 30 mana to block, so after 3 blocked hits, the phyz has last say 60 mana. (I'm just pulling a number out of my ass right now.)

Now the second part of the spell, rather a spell that works in conjunction with the barrier

Kinetic Backlash- Instantly releases all the pent up energy of the kinetic barrier, dealing massive damage to a single target (or possibly a massive damage aoe), however this spell leaves the phyz completely exhausted.

What this means- yeah..super damage attack but at a price, the phyz is left with 0 mana, 0 move, and succeeds in granting themselves one hell of a waitstate.

Comments? :P

Tower Posted 17 Apr 2008

That first thing sounds somewhat like mana shield. And it seems like you are building up the quantity of attacks to make each subsequent attack hit harder, but what about the attack itself as some have a much greater damroll than others. Maybe it would just be a multiplier added onto the damage of the attack and could even start at a number less than 1 so initial attacks wouldn't damage as much as a normal attack?

Crescendo Posted 18 Apr 2008

The first thing is more of a replacement to electrostatic field than anything else, it would just be more universally effective against attacks (IE pro lightning doesn't negate it).

The point is to have an ability that stores up a charge, but becomes increasingly more difficult the higher the charge to maintain, and then another ability to release that charge. ^^)

Deneb Posted 21 Apr 2008

I like it. Except 'backlash' is a bit too extreme for my taste. That, and it doesn't really seem to fit the Tempus style.

But, who's to say we can't deviate a little.

It doesn't sound like mana shield to me as it only protects from regular attacks and instead of blocking 100% at a customizable % of the damage, it blocks 100% of the damage at some fixed % of the time. Plus, damage isn't regarded in the calculation of mana cost to block. At least, that's what I think Cresc is going with this.

Given the last bit of fact (assuming it's true), the alteration should only be "castable" outside battle and cost quite a bit.

Crescendo Posted 22 Apr 2008

theres a lot of different ways we can play with the "backlash", in fact one way would be instead to give the phyz a temporary boost in speed. Could even let the phyz get a boost in damroll (again how much is depending on how high of a "charge" is built up). Or even have the energy provide a boost to the phyz's spells, except that just rings of a fortissimo. I'm just throwing out random ideas here, theres a ton of ways to use a system like this, so throw out some ideas!

Deneb Posted 24 Apr 2008

KB = Kinetic Barrier, Bl = Backlash

How about if KB costs mana per second instead of mana per number of attacks. And, Bl can deal out damage depending on the number of attacks the KB took or absorb back mana.

Let's say KB costs 30 mana per second to maintain. A physic with it absorbs 4 attacks, each attack adds 10 mana to the absorption. The physic uses Bl on himself or others to regain 40 mana. So this could benefit the physic/others or not depending on how long KB has been active. Of course Bl would dissipate the KB.

Or, the physic can Bl to deal damage.

(Perhaps it should be another spell so that Bl isn't confused on whether it should attack or give mana.)

When it comes to the damage dealing part, I can't really conjure up any ideas. And, I don't think giving the physic damroll by having KB take hits would be such a great idea. Although, it's always good to have more damroll, it's not really all that useful for a physic to have more compared to other classes.

Eternal Posted 28 Apr 2008

Great idea Cres! There are some fun ideas for physics and psionics out there. This would allow more people to have fun with a prime physic or psionic. I'll bring up the post if I can find it on the psionic ideas.

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