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Gen 11
Riffe Posted 21 Apr 2008

What's the benefit of gen 11, besides the QP, bragging rights, and being high atop of the WHO list?

Are there gen bonuses for skills past 10? Or is it just something to do when bored?


Azimuth Posted 22 Apr 2008

Bragging rights, yeah. It was intended to give the gen 10ers something to do besides attempting to learn all the languages.

All it seems to have done is to stop gen 10ers from leveling at all. I'm considering reverting it back to the way it was, where you could remort gen 10 forever.

Deneb Posted 22 Apr 2008

What if there were some benefit to being gen 11+ that didn't affect game play? Such as, a trailer that does absolutely nothing but look awesome.

Tower Posted 22 Apr 2008

How about a special lounge that only gen 11'ers can get into and fun things to do inside said lounge.

Bushido Posted 22 Apr 2008

what about being able to learn the remort spells of your secondary at say gen 12 or 13. that may give a damn good reason to remort past 10

Tower Posted 22 Apr 2008

Yeah, something where Gen 11 is the equivalent to Gen 0 of your secondary class. So at 12 you could learn gen 1 skills.

Riffe Posted 22 Apr 2008

I really like the various posts on high-gen content.

IMO Tempus seems to lack: grouping (expedition-style, not spam level style) and group synergy

"It's easier if I go by myself" said one Gen 10'er

"Grouping makes it harder" said another Gen 9

Well, that kind of sucks. Why is it a MULTI-user dungeon in the first place? =D

It would be cool to see some gen 10 and up content that would utilize more grouping and whatnot.

Maybe passage into said content would be when you hit Gen 10, or when you remort into Gen "11." Endgame content would add an urge to make solid groups (tank, healer, damage) etc.

Just some thoughts…

Eternal Posted 28 Apr 2008

Honestly, I think that giving more benefits for gen 11+ chars. would only take away more grouping. Once you become a self efficient player you no longer need anyone to group with.

Tower Posted 28 Apr 2008

Make high-gen benefits only activated when leading a group. The more people in your group, the higher benefits you might gain. Mobs in group wouldn't count, obviously.

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