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Red Throat Guard
Riffe Posted 29 Apr 2008

The passage of time and the lack of running the Draconian Highlord Fortress made me forget about the existence of my existence: the red throat guard.

!wrench and !behead, oh wait, I recently learned it's not so !behead.


So for anyone to avoid the mercenary power move, they simply have to wear this item. I find that quite imbalanced. I move that the item be removed of its !wrench nature.

I could understand a damage reduction, but complete negation of the move is a bit extreme in my opinion.

There is no black ear guard that is !scream. There is no green back harness that is !backstab. There it no purple domed hat that is !psiblast and !magic.

I vote that there be no !wrench on the red throat guard.


Riffe Posted 29 Apr 2008

^^^ ignore typos! take me seriously, damnit :p

Frostflower Posted 1 May 2008

if I'm not mistaken the red throat guard does not make it totally unable to do !wrench or !behead. just makes it less lethal. You can still get beheaded even with one on. I think all the guard does is make you have to earn a broken neck or a severed head as a trophy. just call it a roll to save_behead or save_wrench.

Riffe Posted 1 May 2008

I've seen a behead penetrate it (by a gen 10 knig), but I once spammed "wr spark" for a good two minutes, with no cigar.

Frostflower Posted 1 May 2008

should get looked at, don't think that the guard was made for that.

Kakarot Posted 2 May 2008

If its made to dampen behead it don't do a very good job as I lopped of Sparki's head in one shot. As far as I know it hasn't been !behead since I started playing in 02.

Eternal Posted 10 Jun 2008

x2 to what Kaka said.

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