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Merc Idea: Distract and Trapping
Riffe Posted 4 May 2008

Some merc thoughts:

So, many classes have their version of "luring."

Summon crap mob. Kill crap mob. Lure mob from adjacent room.

Attack target mob. Retreat into preferred destination.


Why not give the merc class a "distract" skill.

Distract - Level 34

While infiltrating and hiding, the mercenary causes a distraction into an adjacent room, causing target mob to head in that direction.

The merc would be in the room of the mob that needs to move. It's almost like the way gust of wind works, except they need to be infiltrating and hiding…or just hiding.

That could go nice with a remort skill called "Trapping."

Trapping - Level 40 - Generation 4

The mercenary lays down a trap, debilitating the first mob to walk into the room.

Traps could be purchased from the mercenary guild, such as:

Flame Trap : Tripping a flame trap ignites the mob on fire (good for trolls and such)

Freezing Trap: The mob is encased temporarily in a grip of ice (similar to entangle)

Poison Trap: Poisons mob.

Sorry, I'm not so creative at the moment, but I thought it would be something cool to mull over.


Deneb Posted 7 May 2008

I like distract. It ties in with the theme of an infiltrator. Trapping seems good too, but I have trouble viewing mercenaries doing this as opposed to rangers to this. Could just be me.

Tower Posted 7 May 2008

In order to distinguish it from something more suitable for a ranger, it could be called land-mine instead.

Eternal Posted 10 Jun 2008

Land mines could hurt.

Kabal Posted 22 Aug 2008

i like the idea of a traping skill, look at mages they have all these god like skills (charm;summon;gust of wind;word stun;clair.;peer;ect ect)

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