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Knights-- Again
Riffe Posted 28 Aug 2008

I was doing some research for a story, and came across a wiki on games, which led to another wiki, to another. You get the point.

Anyways, it led to reading up about knights and paladins and the urge to write what will probably be a fruitless post.

Knights should lead by example. Taking off a shield or a weapon in the middle of battle to use a move that have pretty bad accuracy rates is a bad example.

I want to revive the "Shield Bash" argument. I think this could be neat in a group situation if it had a chance to proc the Crossface-like stun. Of course the penalty is a waitstate for the basher as well, but in a group setting, this is useful for tanking baddies, which I feel is a knight's job and not… a mage or bard's (lol).

Bash , target is stunned, party can get some power moves in, knight recovers from waitstate, rescues everyone to regain aggro, can try to stun again, or finish off the foe with a sweet behead. Nice imagery, right?

Speaking of behead, knights don't only use swords. Paladins are known to take the role of a front-line-type of Cleric. Their collection of weapons are vast. Why is there only a powermove for bladed weaponry?

Mighty Strike - Using a blunt weapon, a paladin can strike an enemy, attempting to knock off their head gear (which is arguably a decent loss in AC for some people.) This can be followed by a similar mechanic of Crossface, or not.

Though the damage may be less than that of behead, it can be a useful tool, broadening the build-type for knights. The stun factor can also be limited by restricting Mighty Strike to 2-handed blunt weapons.

Here's a fun one. In D&D, warriors of good can join an Order, where they follow a common goal and purpose. It would be neat for a good-aligned to call forth their brothers (or sisters) in battle if needed (similar to Instant Audience and not so much as erratic as Call Legion.) Of course, a heavy toll to pay would be that the knight cannot revert to neutrality or evil, lest they want to be hunted by their peers.

Good-knight specific gear can be provided by the Order, limited to the class varying the way holy symbols are used. If Shield Bash and Mighty Strike are in the mix, there could be neat shields and hammers to be sold here too.

Flame on, R/R

Tower Posted 28 Aug 2008

That sounds great. I'm all about anything to bring Knights (evil knights especially) back into the spotlight. Might Strike should be able to knock their head completely off as well. Knights should also be able to eat corpses and absorb their nutrients. Sort of like cannibals only more holy.

Deneb Posted 28 Aug 2008

…How the hell is cannibalism even remotely holy?

Anyway, I've always thought my knight should be part of a mob-gang called Order.

Kitano Posted 28 Aug 2008

Re: Holy cannibalism

Cardinal Rourke in Sin City

Dolza Posted 29 Aug 2008

While i've only been playing my good knight for a couple of months i thought i'd chime in. I'm having a blast playing him and he feels pretty viable over all. Like some of the others have said, a couple of tweaks would be great for them and really make them shine. I will say Sanctification rocks the house though!

For good knights i'm all in favor of not taking off the shield to knock the bad guys down. I've always thought that was really inefficient. This ties into a complaint i had about the holy symbols too…..why would Alron want us to use a scepter as a mid level holy symbol? that means you have to run some levels either w/o a weapon or shield. i usually go sans weapon and just use claws for those levels.

I think the 'instant audience' thing doesn't really fit good knights. We're supposed to be protectors and I'm not sure how calling folks into a fight to get beat down would help. Besides, i thought the audience/devils/elementals were for the seemingly weaker classes that needed someone to help take the brunt of Mobs offense?

I totally agree about the blunt weapons idea. Or anything to replace implale. I've not learned it in a couple of gens since it's not that great. Since knights can specialize in 6 weapons, it would be nice to have some skill diversity. Maybe blunt weapons could be used to give that stun/confused affect after you smash them in the skull with a hammer. Kind of like the way a rogue would use a sap to knock someone out, but with less finess and more blunt force trauma. Also, The knocking off headwear would be great too. What about an affect that lowers ac or dex as your armor gets crumpled. "Santiago crushes your breastplate with the Mighty Hammer Mjolnir" Your armor gets mauled, and you can't move as well in battle or it doesn't provide the same protection.

As for leading by example, what about something like Inspire Courage or some such. When you group with others, you can cast this spell and fire up your teammates, giving a slight bump to hitroll or a confidence like affect as they follow you into battle inspired by your greatness.

For evil knights what about Inspire Awe/Fear. This would work on Mobs. You come in with your posse of devils or groupies and scare the daylights out of your enemies. Maybe lowering the to hit or giving a fear like affect where they cower away or lose a little AC as they shy away from your attacks.

Ok, thats enough for now. flame away!

Riffe Posted 29 Aug 2008

I guess with that Order concept, I wasn't thinking of calling forth a tank, but maybe some brothers and sisters of the Order to come help deal damage.


Santiago gives a lengthy prayer to Alron, calling forth a guardian of the Order!

Jasper the Holy Hand appears!

Jasper deals blunt damage, assisting Santiago.

I guess it's more like.. "Call predator," where the addition isn't much of a tank or a damage dealer.. just a helper. Also, you can only call one at a time. Another element could be that the summoned knight disappears after battle.

Back to the example:

Jasper PULVERIZES the bone reaper with his vicious bludgeon. Santiago DECIMATES the bone reaper with his pigsword. The bone reaper is dead!

Jasper bows to Santiago and disappears in a bright flash of light.

Other knights could include:

Someone with a faster weapon, like a short sword, for more hits. Someone with an even slower weapon, for more damage. Someone with a shield and mace, who constantly defends you until their death.

Along with becoming a part of the Order, a defensive boon would be nice, considering your role is to protect and serve. Perhaps a boost in inherent AC and saves?

I'd argue against a boon to healing, since you'd infringe upon Cleric land.


Deneb Posted 31 Aug 2008

just give knights the strike ability i suggested in the ranger posts and it'll be all good =)

Brywing Posted 31 Aug 2008


Deneb Posted 1 Sep 2008


it's in there somewhere

Deneb Posted 2 Sep 2008


I actually like the ideas I came up with in this one =p

Riffe Posted 2 Sep 2008

Yeah I really like that strike system… then I can do something else besides sweepkick with my Cleric… =/


Deneb Posted 27 Nov 2008

Similar to Riffe's idea about AC, I think knights need a boost in AC benefits. Such as a start in receiving damage reduction at -200 instead of -300 AC or more AC from shield equipment's AC-apply much like the head, leg, body positions.

Also, I still really like my ideas I posted here:


I hope you guys like it too.

Frychu Posted 12 Feb 2010

Bumping Deneb's awesome ideas (see above) and adding a crazy one–

Call Squire - Gen 4 Level 45

Ever been in a situation where you needed a potion or item but were stuck somewhere? Just call your squire to bring it to you! Before adventuring on your wild quest, you can give up to 20lbs to your squire and he'll sit at home until you call him. When called, he'll rush to your side and even apply potions on you by throwing them at your head! Then he'll rescue you or assist you if fighting in battle. Keep in mind that he's just a squire and probably won't survive more than a couple of hits.

…that said, go look at Deneb's ideas =P

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