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Deneb Posted 4 Nov 2008

Flex gave me this idea when he said throwing 3 or more rooms.

So, why not combine chemistry and snipe? Firstly, imagine if there was a shop in the mercenary guild that sold items such as:

Solution A, B, and C

Base A, B, and C



…and the mercenary could use those to combine into tranquilizers and whatnot. The mercenary just needs a good tranquilizer gun and the sedative created through chemistry.

Again, not very practical but I think it could be fun. Anyone have anything to add?

Brywing Posted 9 Nov 2008

This could actually be much more useful than snipe is currently, if you could put a mob or person to sleep with a snipe. They might get a save but still, it could be fun.

Eternal Posted 10 Nov 2008

Thats a pretty cool idea. I love it.

Runic Posted 10 Mar 2009

Man… that would be like giving mercs a useful remort skill for the first time.

I fully support the plan.

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