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Deneb Posted 2 Dec 2008

Hide should also put the player in the old "nowho". If not for all classes, at least thieves should benefit from it. =)

Does this make sense to you?

Dolza Posted 2 Dec 2008

This sort of does make sense. I think it would suit the class better if you were taken off of who -zone but were still available to the mud as a whole. That way folks could still see who all was on the mud as a whole but not know if you were creeping up on them in a zone.

Deneb Posted 3 Dec 2008

Just hiding yourself from who -zone: That's perfect!

Eternal Posted 19 Dec 2008

So all you have to do it wear eq that gives hide or major +hide and you will always be who -zone? I bet at least 90% of the players will disagree with this idea.

Demandred Posted 26 Dec 2008

I agree with this idea!

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