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Monks and Borgs
Red Posted 6 Feb 2009

As you may know, I just recently came back to tempus. Monks and Borgs have always had +speed skills that make them just overall better than any other class, especially in the world of pvp (the only reason I enjoy tempus). Explain to me how it is fair that a monk/borg can hiptoss you to death even before you can stand? No class should be able to do that. If anything, +speed should be converted into weapon speed, increasing attack speed, and not lessening delay. The second you get hiptossed by a monk/borg, it's over. Each hiptoss resets your stand cooldown timer, and you will remain on the floor as long as your opponent's speed exceeds the hiptoss to stand delay ratio (if that makes any sense).

What I'm trying to say is that monks have always been the dominant class due to this mechanic. I don't have a gen 10 monk, but I know for a fact that being able to win just by spamming hiptoss is bullshit and monk/borgs need to have their speed revamped.

Either that or make manashield nondispellable and prissphere block all melee attacks 100% od the time.

Deneb Posted 9 Feb 2009

Monk/borg's could never hiptoss a player twice before he or she could stand. I believe the problem you encountered was an issue with the monk/borg's equipment, not monk/borg itself. So I'll just address that. I did ask about +speed on an oedit once and now I know that that option is absolutely not available. A question, which didn't come to me at that time, dawns on me now.

Why is it on quest eq?

I should be able to obtain +speed on oedits even if it costs me an extreme amount. So why can't I? Because it'd be over-powered. So this fact brings up the same question.

Why is it on quest eq?

+speed on oedits and +speed on quest eq play out the same way.

Slip Posted 12 Feb 2009

i agree that if it can be on quest eq then it should be able to be put on an oedit. however i think that + speed is bad from a pvp standpoint. like red said he couldnt stand the entire fight, i was there. but in my opinion speed eq shouldnt be allowed or the max on speed should be around 15-20 to attempt to keep it balanced

Caden Posted 14 Feb 2009


How are you anyway?

Speed kills if you know what I mean,

Monks and Cyborgs.. or the mix are fast, yes

Stun isn't working, monks are taking advantage of that, good for them. They quested while you chose not to, sucks to be you.

PvP? Where? Oh you mean like the people that my friend from Florida recently killed, the ones dead in the ditch laying next to PK? Oh, the quest stuff? – Give thieves stun back, make it "stick to the tic" - problem soved… the I stun you, you shiver, you stand up, you hiptoss me, I'm dead. is bullshit :P

I think you're seeing the side affects of what happens when the balance of things is shifted, if you think monk and cyb are sooo cool make one or remort as one, do what they did, if you want to hate, call your boyfriend or your mom, Neither is going to save you from the Cloud Giants in heaven as they rip your body to pieces…

-May the sun shine in your days, may the rain fall on your corps,


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