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Air Walk (And other flight spells)
Aconite Posted 29 Sep 2010

Just something that's been bothering me. Flight spells.

Now, we all know that flight eq was taken out of the game. I wasn't around when this happened, so I don't know the reasoning off the top of my head.

However, as it stands, there are only 4 flight spells in the game (Correct me if I'm wrong):

Air walk - Level 32, Cleric Tidal Spacesurf - Level 15, Physic Fly - Level 33, Mage Unladen Swallow Song, Level 19, Bard.

Now, out of these four, two are in the 30's, the others are in the teens. I understand you don't want everything +flight, however it is convenient for many of the zone runs.

Could we maybe revisit Air Walk and Flying (Not that fly matters, because most mages go Physic and get tidal) and maybe lower the level that they are attainable at?

Also, could we revisit either giving back flight eq, or maybe giving other classes flight spells? (Borg doesn't count, because they can easily obtain the +borg flight eq) For example, all melee type classes don't have one readily available:

Barb, Ranger, Monk, Merc, Knight, Thief, Psi (Not Melee though)



Exar Posted 1 Oct 2010

that +borg flight gear was taken out along with all the other flight gear

they could get a program that lets them use excess heat (computer systems like that should pump out a lot of heat) to fly, or have a skill that adds thrusters to the borg

but yea, there is zero flight gear left in game, aside from the ones that people have sitting in thier houses or on alts

cant get more :(

Brywing Posted 3 Oct 2010

Monk also can fly when they have zen of motion active.

I think most people have one of their two classes be one of those who still has a fly spell.

It would be interesting if at lv 49/gen 10 people could pay maybe… 50-75 mil gold to get inflight perm set on that char (if you remort you lose it). Or make it take lifepoints and be added to the gainer (who teaches nodrink nohunger nodrunk etc).

Aconite Posted 4 Oct 2010

Well I think the problem with only those classes having a flight spell is that it forces people into specific combos.

Rang/Merc/Barb/Psi/Thief/Knight/Cyborg (Unless you get an item for Borg), these combinations, without flight EQ cannot fly.

I think that this should either be reviewed by spells/skills to fly, or EQ should be implemented to fix this problem.

As it stands now, I see that we are FORCING people to remort certain classes to play the game (As most zones require either some sort of flight to get to, or be in).



Deneb Posted 5 Oct 2010

The problem with it forcing people into specific class combos would be true if flying was that valuable. Flying isn't really needed to be in zones, only to get to zones. Even then, it's not a necessity.

Taking flight off of EQ was a huge complaint awhile back but it never bothered me much. I was confused though. I never understood why people complained about it since flight wasn't that useful. Likewise, I never understood why it was taken out for the same reason.

Honestly, I think flying is goofy. Feeling the need to have it on EQ is goofy.

Flying should just be abolished.

Aconite Posted 5 Oct 2010

If that's the case, I would try going without flight eq/spells for a gen, and see how fast you can level up.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't flying also save players move points when going from room to room? I would think that would also hinder a player's ability to get around (easily solvable with refresh spells/pots/pills, but annoying).

I just think this should be revisited because I just dislike the idea of forcing players into getting flight spells by only a few classes.


Brywing Posted 5 Oct 2010

I still think that making the gainer able to grant NFLT for maybe 10-20 lps would be nice. It would go away each time you remort but your concerns would be addressed about classes that don't have fly and those who don't care much don't need to get it.

Deneb Posted 5 Oct 2010

Yes, flying does reduce the cost of move points. But that and its other advantages don't make it a necessity for playing the game. Flying is just a luxury. If you have it, great; you can move around longer than usual or get to zones with less hassle. It's just not enough to force players into specific classes.

If haste was taken off EQ and you made the same argument then I would totally agree because haste is so damn good.

Flying spells are fine where they're at. No flight on EQ is fine too. My only complaint about the whole flight-EQ deal is that no explanation was given for why flight was taken off EQ. Not even a vague one.

Gneissic Posted 10 Oct 2010

I'm not certain why flight spells were taken out of the game either, but I assumed it was because it forced people to use items/skills/spells other than flight to get to places (e.g. boats, waterwalk, swimming). I know I have been using boats more.

I'd rather have flight eq back.

Bushido Posted 12 Oct 2010

it was taken out of the game because of changes that azi is wanting to make in combat. he explained it a couple weeks back

Gneissic Posted 12 Oct 2010

Hey Bushido, could you link to where Azimuth posted suggested changes to combat, or give a summary of what those combat changes were?

Deneb Posted 12 Oct 2010

Yeah, I'd like to know what those are, too. Although, I bet those changes have been put in yet.

Bushido Posted 13 Oct 2010

he didnt post them he was talking about it on tempus. maybe he will see this and post it

Brywing Posted 20 Dec 2010

Perhaps there could be a flight trainer, some bird in Elemental Plane of Air, and you could either learn it by permanently sacrificing some move points, using lifepoints, or something. Of course it would be hard to get to if you couldn't fly, so perhaps on a mountaintop in Calidan.


I still think that adding flight to the gainer would be a great idea.

Brywing Posted 20 Dec 2010

Perhaps when a character reaches gen 10 they automatically learn a fly skill that costs no mana.

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