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Reverse Distortion
Deneb Posted 30 Mar 2011

Another idea.

Class: Physic

Generation: 6

Level: 41

This alteration changes reality in such a manner that is confusing to all except the Physicist. Subjects within the altered reality may experience difficulty in performing simple motor skills.

Usage: alter 'reverse distortion'

Example: alter 'reverse distortion'

This affects the room the physic is in much like other alterations such as nuclear wasteland. At first, only room titles and player names are reversed. ('A Small Room' => 'Moor Llams A'). As the distortion becomes more powerful, commands within the affected room such as north, south, stand, sit, etc. are reversed. So north becomes south and stand becomes sit.

What do you think?

Red Posted 30 Mar 2011

That's an overpowered ability :P

I could see that being abused by me…er I mean, players.

Deneb Posted 30 Mar 2011

How would you abuse it? And, abuse it to achieve what? I'm going to guess to mess up pathing so direction aliases won't work. I suppose that would be very annoying. But, wall of sound does that too.

Cast Posted 30 Mar 2011

Positioning the rooms so that an alias that will lead them to the zone will them to a DT. Reversing room titles and even scrambling titles would be fun.

Brywing Posted 11 Aug 2011

It would need to be an spell that couldn't be used in !PK or no-violence areas.

Otherwise I could see someone just sitting in HS or SP with a trigger to use this everyone who passed by. Just to be annoying of course.

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