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A new Cleric remort skill?
Santo Posted 11 Dec 2003

ok I havent remorted yet but im working on it. I had a kind of neat idea for a holy cleric remort skill.

Final Prayer I thought to call it this to sybolize the near death of someone who would be praying to their god for protection or to smite their enemies

When casted on anyone of alignment other then good this spell does damage equal to: Your Max hit - your current HP + 50x your current gen

When casted on a creature of good alignment it works like this: Your Max Hit- Your current hp X1/2 your gen but the number is divided and split equally among move and hp

Some negative effects to this spell could be that it has a massive force wait for doing anything but physically attacking, and it drains all but like 1 mana or so.

This way the closer you are to death the better it is. For instance I believe if i recall correctly a cleric who i have been talking to has around 2000 hp

Obviously if this cleric casted this spell at full hp it would do nothing for him. But casted at say 300 hp and the spell would be doing this much

Clerics Max HP - Clerics current hp = + 20 X current gen) 2000 - 300= 1700 20 x 10= 1900

now that may look like a lot but when you think about it its no more deadly then Backstab or combo granted those do about that much while stunned, maybe this can be a move not usable on players, since it seems unrealistic for a cleric to pk a whole lot realisticly.

Just a thought

Jakezor Posted 14 Dec 2003

So let's say a good aligned cleric by the name of Dante has 2000 hp. His wimpy being 1000 and he's gen10. So according to your formula, if he cast that on a neutral or evil align, he would be doing 3500 damage. That's just his wimpy, what if he did it with only 1hp left?

Give me a fucking break. Not to mention the fact that good aligned clerics should be healers. If you want to deal massive damage then play a borg or a monk.

Hey i got an idea, let's give rangers a skill called "Selene's fury" which gives them 125 damroll, 125 hitroll, 100 speed, 75% damage reduction, and -500 ac.

And i'm not kidding about Dante's stats up there, he really does have 2000 hp.

Dolza Posted 15 Dec 2003

Hey Jake, do you have to be such an ass every time you respond to someones post?


Cest Posted 15 Dec 2003

Of course he does, thats what makes him jakezor.

But yea, dante does have like 2k hp and that would totally rock anything combined with heal.

Santo Posted 15 Dec 2003

um, i must've done my caclulations incorrectly. Sorry about that. I didn't mean to make it seem that it could do that much damage. I only calculated it to be 1900 for a 2k hp cleric. I don't know if my calculations were wrong or if yours are. but either way im sorry i pissed you off.

Santo Posted 15 Dec 2003

at 1k hp it would be this:

2000-1000=1000 1000+20x10 1000+200 1200

If you remember in order of operations….multiplication comes before addition so i have no clue where you got 3500 from. but you obviously have done something wrong or i just didn't clarify the formula (which is most likely the case). but looking at it it still is too strong..i guess. Not like it matters but maybe it could be something like this

Max HP-Current HP 5 x 1/2current gen

so using the same example

2000-1000=1000 1000 + 5 x 5 1000 + 20 1025

now, like you said youself Jakezor, clerics get good heals. So how often is this spell going to really be used, if it uses up most mana and is only greatly effective as you are close to death. When you think about it, would really only use this spell when fighting really tough mobs that they have whittled down, 1025 damage is not enough to kill most big mobs, hell you cant even kill a vapor rat with that. like i said in my first post, this spell would only really be used as a last chance effort to kill a mob before it kills you. it wont work well for pk because going to pk someone with a little health is just stupid.

Jakezor Posted 16 Dec 2003

yea, I do have to be an ass. That's who i am.

Jakezor Posted 16 Dec 2003

Come on dude, a good cleric isn't supposed to deal a lot of damage at one time. They are supposed to heal. Not to mention they already have a spell called "restoration" which does anywhere from 1 - 1.6k hp and it only costs something like 150 mana. So your spell is already in there.

Storm Posted 16 Dec 2003

I actually think it's a pretty interesting idea. If you think about it, how long are you gonna survive at 1 hp to do that much damage to anything anyway? If you don't pull it off quick, you're toast (and you might even be toast anyway). Maybe the damage itself has to be tweaked and worked out so that it balances to what people think fits the good cleric class,, but considering that clerics walk in a sort of divine grace, and even Guiharia would get angry if one of her followers was killed (she's not a pacifist :P), it could work out.

Storm Posted 16 Dec 2003

Also, isn't restoration a healing spell? This is a damage spell, I thought.

Jakezor Posted 16 Dec 2003

it's also a damage spell when cast upon good aligned. Interesting though it might be, why should good clerics get a power-move like damage spell when they haven't had one in the past 8 years is it?

Storm Posted 16 Dec 2003

As far as I know, in all of my time playing a cleric, restoration has NEVER caused damage to anyone or anything when cast by a good aligned cleric. You are very much mistaken on that point.

Maybe good clerics should get a power move, maybe they shouldn't. All I'm saying is that it is an interesting idea for a spell, and is much more creative than, say, "Let's give rangers disembowel so they can have a power move attack."

The idea is not only creative, but original, and I hadn't ever really seen anything like it suggested on the boards before. That in itself is enough to warrant a second look at the idea, before childishly dismissing it by swearing and being sarcastic. It's not that you don't have a decent point, it's simply that through the presentation of that point alone I am inclined to disagree with you.

Storm Posted 16 Dec 2003

Are you thinking of disruption, Jake? Disruption definitely does NOT do that much damage unless you're evil. I may not be a cleric expert, but I have played one (both evil and good) consistently for the past six or so years, and feel like I at least know a little bit about the class.

Jakezor Posted 16 Dec 2003

I was referring to Santo's idea, which is both a healing and a damage spell depending on which alignment you cast it on.

Santo Posted 16 Dec 2003

Acutally i was thinking about that spell as healing, you are right jakezor, clerics get good enough healing as it is, so drop the healing effect of it.

Jakezor Posted 16 Dec 2003

I also meant in my above post that the spell is also a healing spell, not a damage spell when cast upon good aligned.

And interesting though it is, i fail to see what good it will do. Instead of draining all my mana, i could just flee and restore myself.

Santo Posted 17 Dec 2003

that is a good point jakezor, i never thought about that

Mikeoxmaul Posted 7 Jan 2004

Clerics Should Lose all there spells not get more.. Clerics are already way too powerful. They should all lose half there hp cause a clerics not susposed to be a killing machine he's susposed to heal.

Revelation Posted 10 Jan 2004

well prewipe the cleric WAS a healing machine… they killed the heals bigtime i believe, and clerics are NOT killing machines, you see dante killing because he's psionic, is it really cleric skills/spells doing the killing?? no, didn't think so. Stop saying clerics are unfair, they do their purpose, they heal and what not, its just the secondary that makes dante or whatever a good pk'er, hell make dante a mage or phyz or somethin and i bet you he won't be a good pkiller heh

Jakezor Posted 11 Jan 2004

so instead of having a 300 heal at level 49 mortal you have to wait until you are gen 5. Damn, they sure screwed up the class.

Revelation Posted 11 Jan 2004

even then i don't get 500 heals, its more like 100-200, which is easily taken away in a round of attacks, so quit whining

Jakezor Posted 11 Jan 2004

oh yea, Sanctuary, nopain, dermal hardening, and shield of righteousness + the 10% reduction clerics get at the full moon doesn't help at all right.

Revelation Posted 13 Jan 2004

shrug, its a tradeoff for better eq, its harder to get 70 damroll or what not without imm enchants and oedits. Other classes get the eq stuff from hell or whatever. You find good aligned clerics and knights basically using the same eq with no variation at all. Clerics also have no knockdown move, knock a cleric down he can't heal, simple as that.

Revelation Posted 13 Jan 2004

and what you refer to for dam reduc, except for the +10% at the full moon, anyone can get with the right # of quest points. I bet you yourself have 75% dam reduc, and since i know you're gonna complain about healing, how bout you pick a second class that can heal? :)

Jakezor Posted 13 Jan 2004

i beg to differ, some classes CANNOT get permanent 75% reduction namely borgs, mercenaries, knights, and mages. I don't even know how you can get off saying clerics aren't overpowered. Best heals of the game, can get 1400 hp as a spell casting class without using ambrosias, have upwards of 1500+ mana, can get 75% without any special eq just by remorting psionic. In PvP they can just sit and take hits for several rounds and then bust out a greater heal and all that work is for nothing. If you run out of mana you can just run away and psidrain until you get enough. I'm not even going to get started on the advantages of stigmata and righteous penetration on evil aligned characters.

The good-aligned cleric is the most overpowered class in the game, and with everything going for it, it makes me wonder why more people don't persevere the grind until gen 5.

Nevermore Posted 15 Jan 2004

Good aligned cleric is the most over powered class in the game?

Someone's been hitting the crackpipe a little too often.

How about playing a good aligned cleric through to 10 before making outrageous assumptions? If your statement was true, there would be more than 3 avid players that play the class.

Jakezor Posted 17 Jan 2004

"The good-aligned cleric is the most overpowered class in the game, and with everything going for it, it makes me wonder why more people don't persevere the grind until gen 5."

Fruitcake Posted 18 Jan 2004

if you think its so overpowered, why don't you have one of your own?

Jakezor Posted 18 Jan 2004

Funny you should ask that, I had a gen 5 cleric before the wizlock. I don't have one now because i don't play.

Storm Posted 18 Jan 2004

Not to be antagonistic, but if you don't play anymore then why do you log onto the boards only to stir up trouble?

Jakezor Posted 20 Jan 2004

I'm paid to surf the internet, there's only so much I can do to keep my self busy sometimes.

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