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Cyborg questions :)
Panzer Posted 11 Dec 2003

So I've got some questions for you players of the Cyborg class.

I've only seen 1 other 'borg on the mud during the past week I've been on (or so)…this board is my only hope ;)

Implanting: What are some good things to be on the look out for?

Should I go ahead and purchase from the "cyber shop" the sub-dermal armor and skull-thingie?

Is purchasing sub-dermal armor even worth it?

What do the gyroscope and skill enhancer implants do?

Should I implant a battery?

Are the infra-red implants worth of purchase as well?

Skills: What are good skills to learn?

Any skills that you recommend I not worry about learning?


Can anyone recommend some cyborg-friendly and/or newbie-friendly zones in the future?

Attributes/Life points:

What kind of stats should I spend my life points on?

Umm…those are all I can think of now :)

Much thanks for your help!!

Panzer mk. I

Storm Posted 11 Dec 2003

It's been a long time since I've played a cyborg so a few of my answers may be inaccurate, but I'll try to help answer a few of your questions, as best I can.

As far as implanting is concerned, you're at somewhat of an advantage over other players. Normally, players must spend lifepoints at the implanter to get implanted, and it costs them twice as much to get implanted (Unless of course, they are redeeming a free implant session that they won as part of a quest). Cyborgs on the other hand, are not penalized lifepoints for being implanted and the costs are lower. Some things to watch out with implants, however, are when you die and retrieve your corpse, the implants will still be inside your corpse. You have to wait for your corpse to decay before you can get your implants back!

Most people don't really mess with the implants at the cybershop. If you can find a friendly mage to enchant the subdermal armor for you, you could implant it and get a bit of an ac boost, I think. The infrared implants will give you infravision, which lets you see in the dark if you can't already, although some races can see in the dark naturally.

There are several implants around, but a lot of them are either expensive or hard to get. One that was made especially for newbie cyborgs is the repulsorlift engines. They can boost your strength and allow you to fly when activated. To activate an implant just type activate internal (implant name)… so activate internal engine.

Check your skills list for good skills. Kick is one of my all time favorites as a newbie, because you can use it and hold stuff at the same time. Discharge and self-repair are also very helpful. All of the cyborg programs are pretty nifty as well, so be sure to check them out too.

Some good newbie zones in the future are the VR Arcade, the Polluted Beach, the Ruins of the EC Nuclear Power plant, and the EC Junkyard (Just be sure to watch out for the car crusher). The beach is south of EC, and the Nuke Plant lies off of an abandoned highway exit to the north of EC. The Junkyard is to the west of EC.

Pretty much all of your stats are worth raising. Strength determines which weapons you can wield, Dexterity determines how fast you hit, Intelligence and Wisdom affect how well you practice your skills, Constitution affects your hitpoints, and Charisma affects how well you can control your charmed followers.

Hopefully I was of some help! If you have any more questions, drop me a mudmail! If you see me on the mud feel free to drop me a tell, too!


Panzer Posted 11 Dec 2003

Thanks for the info, Storm..that's awesome!!

Jakezor Posted 14 Dec 2003

Cyborgs have a very nice skill called discharge. A lot of low-level mobs do not have protection from lightning which is very nice. You can just walk around discharging on mobs and kill them very quickly. Cyborg was extremely easy to play for me when I started Seven.

Heartsbane Posted 16 Dec 2003

Yea, get discharge i'll implant you, and no, dont get much from the robotics shop

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