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"What's my job?": The Scope and functions of the different Classes
Jakezor Posted 17 Jan 2004

There has been a thread that has been relatively active on the topic of groups. More specifically, how to increase the frequency of player grouping. In the current state of the game, this is more a problem for new players as it is for the upper-gen players. The effectiveness of grouping at the extreme lower levels (under level 25) is significantly reduced by factors such as lack of decent equipment and general ignorance of the game world. Climbing up the levels and the generations, grouping becomes less of a need due to obvious - remorting and gaining better equipment.

Currently, in another thread, there is a small discussion about why good aligned clerics are so vulnerable to the attacks of an evil aligned cleric. The problem is that the classes are too generic, despite some exceptions such as the distinction between good and evil clerics. The fact that I, as a Cyborg/Mercenary spend the majority of my time killing demons and guardinals or as a Ranger/Physic i mostly kill children and candy factory workers should in and of itself show that something is wrong.

There is no distinction between classes. They do not have a specific role, or function to fill within a group context. In my 2 and a half years of playing Tempus, I have never seen anybody holler something to the effect of "Forming a Hell hunting group, need clerics for heals, and mercenary for infiltrating." Knights do just as good a job in the forests of the Malevolent Circle as rangers do. A monk can storm the githyanki fortress just as well as a mercenary can. A mage can single handedly kill the tarrasque just as well as a barbarian can.

By framing the concept of a class, by narrowing it's scope it would not only add content in the context of a "hack'n'slash" game, but it would promote group hunts. Those who prefer to level solo would be able to as they did providing they remained within the field of their profession.

Risque Posted 19 Jan 2004

Very well stated post there Jakezor. For the record, I agree. That would be pretty cool.

Risque Posted 20 Jan 2004

Ok…For the Record…the last post was made by Istari who thought he was posting under his account… he wasn't. - Risque

Heartsbane Posted 20 Jan 2004

that'd kick arse

Ikorrel Posted 29 Feb 2004

the people starting out tempus should know this…why don't they? or maybe they do, but they don't use it? hmm

Gasraidh Posted 9 Mar 2004

I think the actual jobs are pretty obvious, but what jake is saying is that people don't really follow those guidelines.

Ivan Posted 4 Aug 2004

Maybe an idea would be to have professions, or disciplines under the classes. To me the idea of a class is more like an area of study, or a way of life. A discipline would be something like… Bountyhunter. Or Acrobat or trail blazer, paladin, crusader, assasin, alchemist something like that. They would be class specific, and maybe even just prime class/gen specific. MAYBE even class&subclass specific (that would be radicool). The disciplines could also be team oreinted.

Like say, one discipline might have the abilitiy to paint a target, and another would get 2x damage snipe on a painted target.

Or, like a bountyhunter might have the ability to interogate mobs, to see if the hunted person was/had been in the zone (something like that might also give some incentive for language learning).

A skill like Bind, with extremely low likely hood of sucess on an awake target, higher on a sleeping, and highest on a stunned one.

Classes like Clerics or knights might have more group oriented disciplines, like strong group protection from evil or good.

More soloy classes rp-wise like rangers or thieves or mercinaries might get more soloy skills, things that enrage an enemy, or cause in room damage. Or more usefull kiting skills, like throat cutting or crippling or whatever.

Craedric Posted 8 Aug 2004

Hmm. Good posts. My evil Knight usually ends up bieng the healer for my group, as long as everyone else in my group is evil so that my holy touch skill heals them. Also, my Knight does most of the buffing with spells like armour and pfg. If clerics and mages were more group oriented and less "lets solo and use our amazing spells to only our own benifite, and if the enemy doesnt die on our first hit we can kite!", rather then how they are in other games, which is "Tank gets agro, we nuke mob, Tank knocks mob to floor, everyone in party runs over and kicks the mob while its down, and when it gets back up, the thief Backstabs it." I would like to see grouping become more important in tempus because of the amazing differences in capabilities in classes, and so different classes could help eachother out alot.

Jakezor Posted 13 Aug 2004

The way to make classes more unique, for instance, would be to create an environment where certain classes won't perform as well as others. The best example would be, in an outdoor world, the ranger should obviously have the upper hand. In Tempus, I think it's pretty obvious that a monk performs better simply because they hit faster, have several nice spelldowns, as well as high damage skills

Craedric Posted 13 Aug 2004

So, in an environment where evil lies, Evil Clerics and Knights would pwn, places of holiness = holy knight/cler/monk, in areas of high technology = Borg, etc?

Jakezor Posted 13 Aug 2004


That and certain mobs would be easier to kill. For example, rangers would be more effective against animals, monks against humanoids, good clerics/knights against undead, etc.

Craedric Posted 14 Aug 2004

i like that extra idea jakezor. Quick, stop talking, before i start thinking your not a jerk!

Jakezor Posted 16 Aug 2004

Don't be fooled. I'm definitely a jerk.

I just happen to be extremely smart.

And arrogant and cocky.

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