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Borg idea's
Heartsbane Posted 21 Jan 2004

alright, first of all, just want to say, borg kicks ass

and i have a few skill ideas

  1. Borgs should get read scrolls
  2. Skill Adaption (or maybe called "grounding") could give borg a temporary wait state, but would make them somewhat resistant to lightning, borgs get their asses kicked by lightning bolt as it is, and it probly should be like that, but a very skill borg should be able to ground himself. maybe a gen 3 or 4 remort skill?

  3. More good, hand to hand skills, we have one power move right now, discharge, and the rest are our programs (which do kick ass) to make us better.

  4. De-energize should work like psidrain and be able to go across rooms.

  5. Data link/transfer skill. A VERY talented cyborg (gen 7+) should be able to minimally transfer things from his mind to another cyborgs. This could be like transferring basic (non-remort) skills to an average level. (as in not being at 100% trained, but have a general idea)

Alright i tried to be pretty specific about what i meant on most of these, im just tryin to start somethin here ya know?

Panzer Posted 21 Jan 2004

I've got to agree with all of Heartsbanes points.

As a "tank" class, I have been amazed at the lack of offensive skills. All we get are a basic Punch, Kick, and Elbow..? Come on, we should be able to do more than that…since we're supposed to be good fighters.

I would also like to see some more offensive skills added to our list. Something like Roundhouse, Clothesline, Stomp, Uppercut, Headbut, or even Spinfist. It brings a smile to my face imagining a cyborg, with a half metal skull, bashing his cybernetic head into an opponent. :)

"Grounding" would be a cool skill. Something where you gain excellent resistance vs. electricity..but at the cost of not being able to move very far (sort of like the cost of nanite reconstruction).

I like Hearts' idea about transferring skills. I'd even propose something like "networking". What this could do, is if two or more cyborgs are grouped they could "network" themselves to increase their damage/hit…or maybe an increast in their AC or Stats.

Just a couple of thoughts from another 'borg :)

Storm Posted 21 Jan 2004

Why in the world should borgs get to read scrolls? Scrolls are arcane and magical. Cyborgs, on the other hand, are futuristic and technological.

Azimuth Posted 21 Jan 2004

There's some precedent. Take the scrolls in Blade, for example. They were eventually reconstructed and translated by computer.

Panzer Posted 21 Jan 2004

Actually, how about a program that a borg could run that could decipher the magical script?

It wouldn't be all that far-fetched. I mean when you think about what an alphabet really is–characters representing something that we translate into language–creating a program to decipher the "code" and the "pattern" isn't that big of a stretch.

In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if linguists now-a-days already have some kind of deciphering program.

Jakezor Posted 22 Jan 2004

it's just word replacement :)

T = G, A = O, M = D

so taam = good. After a while you just know which spell is which. vref is blur, ghix is slow, etc

Merriam Posted 18 Jul 2005

Maybe I'm late on this, and I'm sure nobody reads realm anymore, probably as a result of its poor organization which doesn't allow for recent posts first, but..

READ SCROLLS. Borgs should not be able to read scrolls normally. All futuristic classes COULD have the ability, at the option of the coders, and at the option of very expensive (300k+) training sessions. I say this as one who plays a Phyz/Borg, and who would love to be able to read scrolls. But not being able to read scrolls is one of those things I like about future classes. It adds flavor to our game, called Tempus or Time. It was always supposed to be different.

TRANSFER SKILL idea. Oh yeah, haven't seen that before. NO. NO. NO. Not ever.

DE-ENERGIZE should work like psidrain. Psidrain is possible because of the nature of the skill. A psychic transfer from a mob within a certain number of rooms. De-energize does not appear to me to function in that manner; namely, the cyborg is now dealing with vitality points of a mob, in the form of movement or energy, which he converts to electrical capacity. Not the same in the least. I've always pictured it requiring contact on behalf of the cyborg.

GROUNDING. I would normally be opposed to this, as I think that electrical weakness is sexy, no matter how many times it kills my cyborg. However, if grounding were a room-specific ability that required a waitstate (that is, the cyborg anticipated an encounter which could have a high probability to damage his or her electrical circuits), he should have a method of grounding that reduces damage to sensitive systems. I also think lightning damage should deactivate programs, or put 'em on the fritz. That'd be neat :)

PANZER: Remort Monk or Barb if you want to spinfist and headbutt and uppercut and ridgehand and "mash" opponents. But as a cyborg, this is not your role. Your role is melee combat with fast attacks and discharge. A cyborg is a 1) meat tank and a 2) fast melee fighter with a 3) power move.



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