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Player Thieving, and yes more PK!
Hans Posted 4 Feb 2004

Bottom line is this. If you do not agree with the pk or psteal policy of tempus, go find another mud. I've been pked plenty of times, so what i do is I go and get revenge. If the killer is too strong for me, I kill one of their friends, and another, and another, until I feel justice has been served for my murder. I give back eq for the most part unless a pc has an item i want. However, if someone loots me for all my shit, Guess what, I'm taking theirs. Or you could just go out and steal some more. Most players have extra eq anyway, I have some nice shit that I wouldn't dream of wearing for a while. When people finally get some decent eq, and someone steals it it is a bitch I know, but shit just go out and get some for yourself, and stop crying! Pstealing is done more often than you realize, whether it is for the eq itself or the ransom. Lots of people do it but no one seems to complain. Is this because that the thief is high level and you are afraid? When I do it people think I'm scum, get mad at all or none people.

Kakorat Posted 6 Feb 2004

u are basically talkin aboot lootin ppl and gettin revenge. and ur only speaking for some ppl when it comes too not complainin aboot gettin killed or shit stolen from u. cause i complained when i was killed and i got revenge. also i complained when kraz killed me and then after i paid 5 mil to get my stuff back i was stunned by remorse and killed by inspectah. u bet ur ass i complained. i dont care if they are a high lvl or not if they kill me again big whoop i could care less. and on another note u pkillin ppl cause u got killed is the reason u get chased by demons all over and why u prolly have been bountied mass times…if at all

Hans Posted 9 Feb 2004

I havent been chased by demons……..yet, sounds fun!

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